Kill The Cancer!


World Cancer day, today the 4th of Feb is the day to create awareness about cancer all over the world.The number of deaths due to cancer will out number accidents soon if not prevented.

What cancer is all about? Cancerous cells are cells that grow in excess than what is required.And this happens either due to hereditary factors or a mutation that suddenly causes the DNA to change.

Mutation is found to happen due to the increased free radical damage in our body. For example When we cut apple is kept for sometime the apple turns brown on its surface and this is  a process called oxidation because of the oxygen in the atmosphere.This same reaction also happens when we breath in air and it releases some unwanted wandering elements called free radicals. In an healthy human with healthy habits the free radicals is always lower than the antioxidant levels.However in most of the cases its not so and the free radicals are always more than the antioxidant levels.Simply because we don’t eat a healthy diet.What makes matters worse is the available food products that are highly processed and also have high amounts of insecticides, fertilizers and pesticides etc.

Avoiding the highly processed foods and switching back to whole foods can reduce the risk of cancer to a remarkable extent. People who have seen their near and dear ones go through the painful process of cancer treatments will be able to avoid it themselves if they change their habits before its too late.

What should you do? Include foods rich in Vitamin A,C,E and Selenium.These vitamins and mineral are called the antioxidants. It was noticed that these vitamin help in reducing the free radical damage to the cells which inturn avoids mutation.Foods rich in these vitamins like green leafy vegetables,apricot,carrots,brocolli,citrus fruits,tomatoes,papaya,bellpeppers ,dates,banana etc if included in our daily diet is the best weapon to fight and prevent cancer.

Sadhguru says ‘If you mess up the house you live in you can always change However if you mess up your body you must remember this is the only place you have to live in this lifetime’

Eat healthy stay disease free!!!