Mango is a primeval fruit, i.e. known as “king of fruits “and debatably popular around the world.
The fruit is deliciously sweet, fresh, juicy with just the correct touch of sourness. The likely tenderizing properties craft mangos an immense constituent for marinades in support of several types of animal protein..
Benefits from Mangoes
• Mangos contain of various nutrients such as- carbohydrates, vitamins, sugar, fiber, proteins and proper calories.
• Mango is a fine source of Vitamin C that leads to healthy immune system functioning and generation of Collagen.
• Also mango is good in Vitamin A that causes bone development, strengthening of the vision sustaining mucous membrane plus skin healthy.
• It does defend the body from Mouth, Prostate, Breast, Colon as well as Lung cancer.
• It controls the blood pressure and heart rate.
• It aids in the digestion and also diminish the cholesterol which is very harmful for the body.
• It decreases the danger of and headway of age related macular degeneration.
• It reduces the hazard of obesity plus largely mortality, diabetes, diseases of the heart and encourages a healthy character and hair, amplified energy, generally lower weight.
As there are benefits, so there are harmful effects as well of Mangoes:
• Mangos are an affluent resource of sugar subsequently they become the cause of increase in the sugar levels of the blood. People suffering from diabetes are suggested not to have ripe mangoes.
• Excessive eating of mangoes leads to diarrhoea consequently overeating of this fruit must be absolutely controlled.
• The mangos skin or peel is accountable for the sensitivity or allergic reaction on many occasions.
• Artificial ripening tends to be ordinary in several countries and affects health badly.
• Mango contains a chemical known as urushiol, which causes skin burning. In thin-skinned individuals, urushiol may result in skin inflammations on contact.
• Overeating of the mangoes results in increase of weight.