Benefits Of Eating Brown Rice !!

By: on September 17th, 2016 in Diet & Nutrition



Benefits of eating brown rice


Brown rice is whole grain unpolished rice where only the husk of the grain is removed.

The multiple advantages of brown rice prove that it is nutritionally enriched with vitamins and minerals along with good amount of fibre than white rice which nutritionally sounds less than brown rice. The following points help us to imagine out about the beneficial site of brown rice.

Beneficial for obese patient: Brown rice has the side hull and bran which provide natural wholeness or completeness to the grain and that’s why they are rich in proteins, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, fibre, and potassium. For that reason those who are trying to lose weight, brown rice will be effective for them.

  • Beneficial for Diabetic patient: Brown rice is very effective for the diabetic patient because it contains a good amount of fibre which helps to reduce insulin spike. We all know that if our daily diet contains a good amount of fibre then it delays the rate of releasing sugar into the blood. So that our blood sugar rate remains within normal range.
  • Rich in minerals:
  1. 1. Brown rice is rich in selenium which reduces the risk for developing common illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis.
  2. It is also rich in Manganese which helps the body to synthesise fats. Manganese is also essential for our nervous and reproductive systems.
  • Rich in Naturally-Occurring Oils: Naturally occurring oils are beneficial for the body as these are healthful fats which help to normalise cholesterol levels.
  • Beneficial for the cardiac patient: Brown rice is considered as a whole grain since it hasn’t lost its “wholeness” through the refinement process. Wholes grains are important to reduce the buildup of arterial plaque and also reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol.
  • Rich in Anti-Oxidants: This is one of the best secrecy regarding brown rice. We are very well-known about the anti-oxidant rich foods like blueberries, strawberries other fruits and vegetables. The antioxidant capacity of brown rice is right up there nutritional value than other grains.
  • High in Fiber:Brown rice is enriched in fibre and taken a position on the top of the list for foods that can help prevent colon cancer. This fibre of brown rice which help to reduce the risk of cancer through the elimination of the toxins out of the body.
  • Essential for nervous system: Magnesium, present in brown rice helps to regulate our nerve and muscle tone by balancing the action of calcium. In the case of nerve cells; magnesium serves as nature’s own calcium channel blocker. They prevent calcium from rushing into the nerve cells and activate the nerves. By blocking calcium’s entry into the nerve, magnesium helps to keep our nerves relaxed.
  • Protect against breast cancer: Pre-menopausal women who eat the most ,whole grain fibre can reduce the risk of breast cancer compared to those who intake the lowest amount of whole grain fibre.
  • Protect against gallstones: The people whose diet is enriched in insoluble fibre, they carry the fewer amounts of chances of occurring gallstone. Because insoluble fibre not only speeds up the intestinal transit time but also reduces the secretion of bile acids (excessive amounts contribute to gallstone formation) and on the other hand it also increases insulin sensitivity and lowers triglycerides content in the blood (blood fats).