Blend Oils Are Most Health-Friendly Oils




Choice of oils depends mainly on our place of living and availability of oils but nowadays these concepts have changed due to the higher level of cardiac diseases. So, these oils are replaced with different health friendly oils which lower the risk of cholesterol and cardiac diseases.

Different oils change its colour, texture and taste along with nutritional factor when it’s heated. Many nutrients are destroyed and harmful compounds are produced when the oil reaches the smoke point. All oil is not suitable for high-temperature cooking. Oil with higher smoke point i.e. above 2300 C or 4460 F is good for deep frying.

Different oils have varying levels of MUFA, PUFA and Saturated fatty acid content. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats. So, both the quality and the quantity of oil is important to maintain as even the healthiest oil is not good if taken more than recommended value.


  • Saturated fatty acids– Increases our total cholesterol & LDL cholesterol. Found in butter and ghee, coconut oil and palm oil, vanaspati. These fats are solid at room temperature.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids are of three types:
  • Monounsaturated fats (MUFA): Derived from nuts and seeds like avocado, olive, peanut and canola oils. These fats are liquid at room temperature. It increases HDL cholesterol along with decreases total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
  • Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA): Derived from seeds of vegetables or nuts like corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, cottonseed oil and sesame seed oil. These fats are also liquid at room temperature. These decreases total cholesterol, LDL and HDL both cholesterol. PUFA can be further divided into two types:
  • Linoleic acid- (n6) found in safflower, sunflower, corn and soybean oil. It reduces LDL up to certain level after which it also reduces HDL level so it’s better to take in a limit.
  • Alpha-linolenic acid- (n3) found in Chia seed oil, flax seed oil, walnut oil and soybean oil. It reduces triglyceride level and also increases the body’s capacity to respond to insulin by activating the hormone leptin which helps in food regulation, weight maintenance and metabolism of the body. It’s a good choice.
  • Trans fatty acids: It is the most unhealthy oil. Found in vanaspati, margarine & reused oil. It increases total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol along with also decreases good cholesterol i.e. HDL cholesterol.

How To Prepare Combination Oil:

Either we can rotate our oil to get all essential fatty acids or use different oils for the different purpose or mix two oils together to get the best value of oils as no single oil is by a proper ratio of MUFA, PUFA and saturated fatty acids, essential fatty acids. We can use some oils for salad dressings, some for light frying, sauteing and other for deep frying. The good ratio of Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated and Saturated fatty acid is-50:30:20 along with n6/n3 ratio between 5 and 10.

Benefits of  Blend oils:

Replacing bad fats like saturated and trans fat with good fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids is better for our health. Combination oils are health friendly

MUFA & PUFA -Plant based oils reduces the risk of heart diseases

Safe Oil:

All oils are not safe and stable. We choose oils carefully for different kinds of cooking.

  • Browning, Searing and Pan frying: Almond, Sunflower, Canola, Olive
  • Stir frying, Baking, Oven cooking: Canola, Grapeseed, Peanut oil
  • Sauteing and Sauce making: Olive oil, Walnut and Sesame oil
  • Dressing and Marinades: Olive oil, Flax seed oil , walnut oil and avocado oil.

Smoke point of different oils:

Oils Smoke point
1)    Butter 1750C/3500 F
2)    Coconut Oil 1750C/3500F
3)    Corn oil 2300 C/4500F
4)    Cotton seed oil 2200C/4200F
5)    Ghee 2500C/4800F
6)    Hemp oil 1650C/3300F
7)    Olive oil

( Extra Virgin)

8)    Palm kernel oil 3300C/4500F
9)    Palm Oil 2250C/4400F
10)Peanut or Groundnut oil 2250C/4400F
11)Rapeseed (Canola oil) 2050C/4000F
12) Rice bran oil 2250C/4900F
13) Safflower Oil 2300C/4500F
14) Sesame oil 2100C/4100F
15)Soybean oil 2300C/4500F
16)Sunflower oil 2300C/4500F
17)Mustard Oil 2540C/4890F
18) Avocado oil 2710C/5200F
19)Grape seed oil 2160C/4200F


Health Benefits of Blend Oils:

  • Cardiac friendly as it protects against cardiac diseases
  • Lowers Blood Cholesterol
  • Improves brain function and growth
  • Lowers the risk of breast cancer
  • Decreases pain from Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lowers stress level and blood pressure.
  • Improves body’s ability to respond to insulin
  • Controls obesity

All oils become rancid if kept for longtime or by reusing. Eating rancid oil results- obesity, early ageing and cancer. We should avoid reused oils, trans fats and saturated fats.