Beat The Cholesterol


‘Cholesterol’ the word itself triggers a panic button. Most people relate it to heart or cardiovascular diseases. In simple terms cholesterol is oil-like and does not mix with blood, however it is carried around in blood through low density lipoproteins or LDL (bad) and high density lipoproteins or HDL (good) based on the density of the cholesterol. Cholesterol in fact is very much essential for our body without which our cells cannot survive.

Major functions of Cholesterol

  • part of the structure of the cell wall
  • used for producing bile juice and other hormones
  • helps body in the synthesis of Vitamin D

Why Cholesterol becomes abnormal

However excess of cholesterol might get deposited in the blood vessels leading to narrowing of the vessels. Cholesterol levels can go abnormal due to

Foods that help in reducing cholesterol

  1. Green tea: Helps reduce LDL due to their high anti-oxidant property.
  2. Beans: Beans like kidney beans and black beans are rich in fiber and reduce cholesterol.
  3. Garlic: It has properties to avoid the deposition of cholesterol on the arteries.
  4. Green leafy vegetables: Spinach and other green leafy vegetables also rich in anti-oxidants reduce the clogging of arteries
  5. Walnuts: Rich in omega-3 fats helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol
  6. Fibrous fruits and vegetables: Fiber naturally has the property to reduce cholesterol.Like oranges,pineapple,watermelons,cucumber,carrots etc.
  7. Dark Chocolate: Chocolate helps lower LDL and increases HDL
  8. Salmon and fatty fish: Omega-3 has been proven to reduce the risk of heart diseases,dementia etc.
  9. Indian Gooseberry or amla also reduces cholesterol
  10. Coconut oil which has lauric acid helps increase good cholesterol in the body


Do not panic if your cholesterol levels are high; it takes a few wise dietary changes and exercise routine to get back to normalcy.