Zika Virus

Zika (Zika) is a mosquito-transmitted deadly infection caused by zika virus related to dengue and yellow fever. Zika virus is common in Africa and Asia. The most common symptoms of this infection are fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis (commonly known as red eyes). The infection is usually mild with symptoms lasting for a week after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Usually people do not get sick enough to be hospitalized and so death due to this disease is very rare. To detect zika, a blood or tissue sample from the first week of the infection should be tested.


How this spreads

  1. Through mosquito bites:

The infected Aedes species mosquitoes bite causes zika. These mosquitoes lay eggs in and near standing water. Zika are aggressive daytime biters. Infected mosquitoes can spread the infectious virus to other people through bites. Only female mosquitoes bite people, as they need blood in order to lay eggs.

  1. From mother to child:

A mother already infected with zika virus at the time of delivery or even during the period of pregnancy can pass on the virus to her babies. Infants do not get affected with zika virus through breastfeeding. The newborns will usually develop microcephaly (small heads) with brain damage.

  1. Through sexual contact: Zika virus can spread likely through sexual transmission. The virus is present in semen longer than in blood. Vast majority of all Zika infections are mostly transmitted through mosquitoes rather than sex as per the belief of the experts.
  2. Through blood transmission: There have been multiple reports of blood transfusion transmission cases.


Prevention and cure of zika virus

  1. No vaccine exists to prevent zika virus.
  2. To prevent spreading from mosquitoes bites one should wear long sleeved shirts and pants. We should use window and door screens. Also sleep under a mosquito bed net. Registered insect repellent should be used.
  3. To prevent through sexual transmission, one should use condoms every time while having sex. Not having sex is the best way to prevent.
  4. Zika affected person should take plenty of rest.
  5. Zika affected person should drink fluids to prevent dehydration.
  6. Zika affected person should take paracetamol medicines to relieve fever and body pain. Do not take aspirin or any other steroidal drugs.