


Ayurveda – or – Ayurveda medicine as per Wikipedia  is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. In the Western world, its therapies and practices have been integrated in general wellness applications and as well in some cases in medical use.

The word Ayurveda was first used in Atharva Veda, the last Veda of Hinduism. According to Atharva Veda, Ayurveda is an ancient Hindu science of health and medicine, based on maintaining balance among the five elements earth, air, fire, water, and ether.

It’s name is derived from two Sanskrit words ‘Ayur’ and ‘Veda’. ‘Ayur’ means life and ‘Veda’ stands for knowledge; it is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing to help people keep their inside and outside in check with the physical and spiritual world.

There is loads of information available both on this on internet as well as in books. Hence, to avoid wasting time in what to read and how to go through such a vast ocean of literature, today, we are enlisting the crux of this information to enable an easy understanding of Ayurveda highlighting its benefits merely in five points.

  • It revolves around, the three dynamic forces of nature, the three doshas – Vatta , Pitta And Kapha.
  • Vatta is considered to be the energy which is in charge of mobility, motion, circulation, breathing, and other essential body functions.
  • Pitta is said to be the energy force that governs most metabolic activities, including digestion, absorption of nutrients, body temperature and energy expenditure.
  • Kapha controls growth of the body and is considered as the nourishing dosha.

The most important aspects of restoring balance in Ayurveda is tuning in to the natural rhythms of your body by bringing your lifestyle into synchronisation with nature and its cyclical patterns. This helps in balancing the three doshas and controlling the dominance of one dosha over another.

  • Ayurveda is not merely a treatment but a way of life which is known to help in curing inflammatory, hormonal, digestive and auto-immune disorders which include Alzheimer, Dysmenorrhea, Parkinson’s disease, Asthma, Dementia, Herpes, High BP, Acne, Chronic fatigue syndrome etc.
  • It’s practices are holistic treatments, prescribed by the practitioners after taking into account individual’s lifestyle. In other words, the Ayurvedic treatment is individual specific and is based on the persons unique dosha balance, age, gender, lifestyle etc unlike western medical treatment which works on ‘one size fits all’ approach.
  • It uses herbal remedies which are self contained and nutritive, rendering them harmless; they are non evasive and non toxic. Thus, it can be used safely as an alternative therapy or alongside conventional therapies.
  • Ayurvedic medicines have high therapeutic degree which has a broadband spectrum and hence, they also act as preventive medicines which are widely known for aiding in rejuvenation of the entire immune system of the body.

Ayurveda, is an old age system which has truly stood the test of time and has been enjoying a major worldwide resurgence.