Benefits Of Hand Wash

Hand washing is important because it protects us from various types of illness and diseases. Generally, children don’t listen to their parents to hand wash before eating something, after coming from washroom and coming back from playing. Anyhow hand washing is the best way to protect children from getting trapped by germs and hand washing keeps us stay healthy and fit. So, here are some of the few benefits of hand wash which are discussed below:

1.  Good hand washing is the first line of defense against the spread of many illnesses — from the common cold to more serious infections, such as meningitis, bronchiolitis, the flu, hepatitis A.

2. Hand wash with anti-bacterial soap has shown to reduce diarrheal diseases by 47% and respiratory infections by   37%. Diarrheal disease is the second most common disease which is the cause of child deaths.

3. Washing hands with antibacterial soaps have better result in reducing bacteria rather than washing with the normal soap because washing hands with normal soap left bacteria in the hands only and the germs may grow and multiply.


4. Dishwashing liquids popularly known as “kitchen gel” such as Dettol kitchen gel, Pril dishwasher are proven to be a better one and people use this also as a hand wash liquid and it has shown positive results in eliminating bacteria.


5. Washing your hands often especially after coughing, sneezing or using tissues before and after eating, before preparing food, after handling raw meat after petting an animal and after using the bathroom may protect you from many types of infections.

6. Hand wash can prevent transmittion of bacteria to other health care workers and their families.