Relaxation Techniques You Must Know

By: on October 10th, 2015 in Healthy Lifestyle



Stress is now present in everyone’s life. Nowadays every person even from a small kid to an old man are the victims of stress. Stress is something which makes you feel uncomfortable, feeling of restlessness all the time. Research has shown that people having a lot of stress may suffer from certain common diseases like permanent headache,constipation,stomach ache, lack of concentration in doing some work.
So here are some of the stress busters that help us to fight with stress.

1. Listen to music
One of the best stress busters is the soft music. If you are feeling overwhelmed with the stressful situation then one must listen to soft music. Playing soft music may lower down the blood pressure and have a positive impact on brain. It helps to reduce cortisol, a harmone related to stress.

2. Excercise
Doing excercise even for a minute is also a stress buster in one’s life. Doing excercise by moving in and around the office may reduce stress because doing excercise allows the blood to move in all the body after a long work of sitting in the office.

3. Have a sound sleep
Stress may snatch a sleep of a person. Unfortunately, a sound sleep is also an effective method of removing stress. According to the doctors a person should sleep for seven to eight hours. A good sleep will have positive results.

4. Eat right
A proper diet and stress has a very good relation with each other. So to avoid stress one must have a proper diet. It’s when we have the most work that we forget to eat well and resort to using sugary, fatty snack foods as a pick-me-up

5. Talking to one-self
Talking to one-self is one of the best ways to lessen your stress. You should feel crazy talking to one self. One must sit down at one place and talk to one self and answer to all your questions.

6. Call a friend
Calling a friend may lessen your stress when you are overwhelmed in a stressful situation. Having healthy relations with your friends and relatives and mainly talking to them can relieve your stress.