5 Cures To Speech Disorders (Stammering) Did U Know?

By: on October 7th, 2015 in Kids' Health

Stammering is an involuantary action or inability to push a letter while speaking fluently. Stammering occurs since childhood from the age of three to four years. Stammering becomes a cause of concern when it extends to ten years of age. A lot of children go through the problem of stammer. People may laugh at a person who suffer from this problem. This difficulty is encountered while speaking words beginning with or sounds produced by letters b, d, g, k, p and t. Stammering may also be accompanied by symptoms like a red face, tremor of the jaw and blinking of eyes when speaking. Stammering may loose confidence among selves and the person may not be able to speak in front of others and may remain silent in the friend circle.

Excercises for stammer

Excercises are one of the most effective solution to avoid this problem. Excercises provide strength to organs associated with speech such as tongue, lips, jaw and lungs.
Many people found these excercises beneficial and completely helps to eliminate the probelem of stammering. These excercises can be performed before going to the bed at night. Following excercises can help you :

1. Loudly and clearly pronounce the vowels A, E, I, O and U.
2. Deep breathing exercise are very effective in curing speech disorders like stammering as they help to strengthen the respiratory organs and to relax neuromuscular tension.
3. Reading excercises


Source- www.why.do

Reading excercises are very helpful in reducing this problem and identifying the pin points where a person gets stuck. You can pick any text book and read it as loudly accentuating on the quality of words. Reading fast will help a subconscious identification of each word. Prefer the speed to the quality of speech. Let the words be wrongly spoken and do not stop on any particular word. This exercise if continued for 2-3 months is very effective in relaxing muscular tension and correcting all obstructions of the speech.
4. Singing


Source- www.reeshabh.com

Singingis a very effective exercise for stammering. Singing helps the sufferer learn to better control breath and the phonatory muscles. One suffering from this problem may parcicipate in theatrical activities.
5. Open your jaws as wide as you can without exerting hard. While the jaws are still open, lift your tongue upwards to touch the roof of mouth with the tip of your tongue. While still in contact with the roof of your mouth, drag the tip of your tongue towards the back of your mouth. When your tongue get stretched to the maximum (without hurting), hold there for few seconds. Next pull out your tongue outside the mouth and stretch it downwards. Repeat 4-5 times.


Source- jaivirdi.com