Why Do We Sweat?

Sweat is made up of water, sodium and other substances that help to decrease the body temperature. There are two types of glands, one is Eccrine and the other one is Apocrine. The body temperature is effectively regulated by the thousands of Eccrine glands. When the temperature of the body rises, the nervous system starts to work and stimulates the Eccrine glands to release sweat. Apocrine glands are triggered by stress, anxiety or the fluctuating hormones. These glands are mainly found in the underarms and groin areas. This gland produces bacteria, which in turn is the result of the body odour. This is the reason of using deodorants only in underarms rather than the whole body.

Sweat control during workout

The waist size cannot be decreased by the excessive sweating, but it leads to dehydration. Trainers motivate their clients not to use sweating as a weight loss tool. The trainers help their clients to make sweating tolerable and to maintain an efficient workout. Some of the tips are:

  • Wearing clothes which are not skin tight. It helps the heat to move away from the body.
  • Wearing headbands and keeping the neck and face free from hair. This helps to dry quickly and cooling down the body faster.
  • Wash off the make-up and lotions as it may cause the blocking of glands.

Sweating due to humidity

Some of the research study says the human body sweats more as the humidity increases. On humid days the air is saturated with water and thereby the evaporation of the sweat is slow. This is why people feel too hot during the humid days. When relative humidity reaches the peak level, the body’s natural cooling system doesn’t work. To help the athletes and labourers stay cool in extremely hot and humid conditions, the special clothing wicks sweat away from the skin.

Sometimes people get embarrassed because of the excessive sweating. When a person understand why do we sweat, it’s easier to learn and to accept it. Sweating is a body’s way of regulating itself. Therefore, it is necessary to sweat in a proper manner by hydrating the body.