Colostrum- The Best Immunization For A Child


Colostrum- The best Immunization for a Child                        

Colostrum is a creamy thick sticky fluid which is produced by the breast as first milk after delivery. It is also known as “liquid gold”. It is made up of many antibodies and proteins with very less carbohydrate and fats. Colostrum builds immunity to the newborn and also acts as a laxative. During the first two to three days of birth women produces colostrums of about 50 ml which is sufficient for a newborn. And after two or three days the colostrum is gradually replaced by mature milk. Colostrum is the first food which prevents diseases naturally. It guards our gut health, immune system and also effective against autism, Diabetes, Aids, heart disease, influenza, and Cancer. It heals repairs and recovers our body. It also promotes weight loss. It detoxifies the impurities and toxins of the body.

Colostrum is regarded as natural, safe and first vaccination to the newborn because of its presence of rich antibodies. It helps everyone to lead a healthy and happy life.

There are several benefits of colostrum for a newborn baby:

  • Colostrum is the easily digestible first perfect feed of your newborn baby.
  • Colostrum strengthens baby’s digestive system for digesting mature milk after two-three days of birth.
  • Colostrum protects a baby against bacterial and viral infection as high amount of leukocytes (W.B.C) are present in it. These antibodies (IgA) of colostrum give protection against respiratory infection like pneumonia, flu, and bronchitis along with stomach and ear infection till the baby will start to produce his own antibodies.
  • Colostrum helps to excrete excess bilirubin and thus prevents jaundice to the newborn baby.
  • Colostrum is rich in minerals and vitamins which are needed for overall growth and development such as zinc, calcium, Vit-A, B-6, B-12 and K.
  • These are Cholesterol-rich which is very important for the growth of the nervous system in the newborn baby.
  • These consist of sugar which provides the required amount of energy to the growing baby.
  • The protein of colostrum provides a satiety feeling which allows baby to sleep longer.
  • Colostrum helps a baby in first bowel movement and excreting the digestive meconium i.e. (first dark stool).
  • Colostrum contains a pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (PSTI) which protects the gut of newborn and encourages the growth of healthy bacteria due to its PH level thus aids a healthy gut by protecting against harmful bacteria.
  • It possesses the anti-inflammatory, anti-aging properties and is antioxidant-rich and protects the gut lining.
  • It enhances the development of the brain, heart and central nervous system due to its rich potassium, sodium, cholesterol and chloride content.
  • A newborn baby’s intestines are leaky which allows foreign invaders to pass through the holes and access to other body parts. Colostrum helps to heal the leaky gut of newborn baby and improves the function of G.I tract.

Feeding colostrum in the initial hours of birth is very effective. It provides perfect nutrition to the newborn along with protection from harmful agents. Maybe due to some unavoidable reasons, it is not possible to feed colostrum either due to a delivery problem or due to the premature baby but it is always better to feed your baby with colostrum by consulting your physician as it helps in the proper development of a newborn baby. Even due to ignorance women discards colostrum but there is no need to discard colostrum.