5 Top Diet And Nutrition Tips For Women

By: on February 18th, 2016 in Healthy Lifestyle, Women's Health


5 top diet and nutrition tips for women
1. Focus on whole plant based foods
Full most of your plate with fruits and leafy green vegetables. Also include a variety of food grains,legumes,beans to give you filling fiber and keep you going theoughout the day.
2. Bone up on calcium
It is important to have plenty of calcium for women.
3. Make sure you get enough iron
Most women dont get enough iron in their diet. On top of that women loose a lot of mineral during mensturation.
4. Cut back on alcohol and caffeine
Women who love to have more alcoholic drinks in a day are at higher risk of osteroprosis. Caffeine consumption reduces calcium level.
5. Don’t eat too much protien
Protien is essential part of any diet. But eating lots of protiens causes calcium loss.