Long Time Air Condition-May Affect Your Health


Long Time Air Condition-May Affect Your Health

AC decreases the humidity of the indoor air and steals water from the epidermis of the skin which results from a flaky, dry and chapped skin. Water is essential for blood circulation as it maintains the skin’s elasticity. When AC removes the humidity of the indoor air, skin starts drying and it speeds up the aging process by developing wrinkles. Further from the air-conditioned room to the sudden change of outside temperature also puts more stress on the body.

So it is better not to be fully dependent on AC and use it whenever it is very essential and use moisturizers to exposed body parts and limit the use of soap and water so that skin will not get dried easily. Drink plenty of water and fluids to maintain proper hydration.

The common health problems by using air conditioners are-

  • Constant Fatigues and Headaches: Long time use of air conditions result from severe headaches and fatigue. Sometimes irritations of mucous membrane and breathing difficulties which further causes cold’s, flu and other illnesses.
  • Dry Skin and Hair: Without applying proper moisturizers on your skin if you spent long hours in an air conditioned room it leads to dry skin as your skin lose moisture even your hair also losses lustreless.
  • AC Enhance Chronic Illness: AC enhances the illness from which we are already suffering from low blood pressure, arthritis, neuritis and pain management for whom who are fully dependent on AC.
  • Unable to Handle Heat: Those who are fully dependent on AC for whom it is very difficult to tolerate heat during summer temperature which causes heat-related death.
  • Breathing Difficulty: The circulating germs and microorganisms from the air conditioners cause breathing difficulty and other air-borne infectious, fatal diseases which lead to fever and pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.
  • Contaminated Air: Generally central AC does not release fresh air but it passes the unclean air i.e. if there is any dust, mold or viruses then individuals get more prone to sick or allergic reactions due to exposure to airborne infections.
  • Increased Frequency of doctor’s visit: Those who spends their maximum time in AC rooms are suffering more from ear-nose and throat infections, respiratory and skin problems and their frequency of doctor’s visit is also increased.
  • Other Demerits:
  • It aids to ambient noise pollution.
  • AC also causes problems like pharyngitis, throat irritation, and hoarseness.
  • AC induces complaints of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and problems for individuals who are using contact lenses.


  • Check that your AC should clean regularly and change the filters after few months.
  • Moderately raise the AC temperature so that there will be no shivering temperature and take breaks of outside fresh air to maintain the temperature differences.
  • You can slight open your windows for fresh air.

End Note: Though AC provides comfortable feeling but it also damages our skin and affects our health so it is better to avoid it and be safe without taking much technological comfort.