Enjoy Spring But Be Aware Some Sensitive Diseases

Spring is preceded by the harsh winter. Spring warms up nature even our body.
Diseases of spring
There are various diseases which occur during spring.
- Spring fever– With the arrival of the spring, a body may experience fever, along with this there is physical, mood or behavioral change.
- Pellagra- It is a vitamin deficiency, it is mostly caused due to the chronic lack of niacin (vitamin B3 or PP that is a pellagra-preventing factor). It can be caused due to decreased intake of niacin or tryptophan or may be possibly excess intake of leucine. The sign and symptoms of pellagra include dermatitis, insomnia, mental confusion, diarrhea, dilated cardiomyopathy, red skin lesions, tongue inflammation etc. It has been found that during the cultivation of the maize nixtamalization help to enrich the corn with the niacin and prevent pellagra.
- Measles- It also starts onset of the spring; it is a contagious infection caused by the measles virus. The temperature can go up to 104 * c with running nose, inflamed eyes. Two or three days after that white spot appear inside the tongue and red flash appear in the face, then it spread all over the body. It remains in the body for 7- 10 days. In 30 % of the case, there is diarrhea, inflammation of brain, blindness, and pneumonia may take place. This disease occurs mostly during the spring.
- Asthma- Asthma can occur more in the spring. The most common reason it triggers up by the air temperature change, pollen, insect repellent, yard fertilizer. In-house cleaning like dusting and chemical may trigger asthma.
- Chickenpox- Chickenpox is known as varicella, it is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The disease is characterized by the small, itchy blister. It generally starts with chest, back and then faces, eventually, it spread all over the body. The disease is more severe in adult than that of the kids. Chickenpox is the airborne disease which is spread through a cough and cold of the infected person. It spread within one or two days. The symptoms are the loss of appetite, nausea, aching muscle and headache. It is followed by oral sores or rash, malaise and external rashes. The rash begins with small dots on face, torso, scalp, legs and upper arm, after 12 hour small bumps, pustules, and blister appear. one can experience severe scratching. It remains for 7- 10 days then scabs fall down and rashes rest slowly leaving few scars on the body.
- Common cold – Many people fall, the victim of the cool winter, although when winter end with spring then due to temperature difference many of us get a cough and cold, running nose, sneezing.
Diet for the spring disease –
- Bland diet – bland diet consists of low fat, low seasoning more boil or steamed food.
- High fluid intake – Water intake should be more, fluid in form of juices and soup should be there.
- No junk food – Highly seasoned and spicy food should be avoided.
Spring welcomes color along with the various diseases to a human body.