Know What Happens When You Go 10 Days Without Sugar?

By: on May 11th, 2016 in Health Tips


Researchers from the University of California, in only 10 days managed to drastically reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in children. They were able to decrease triglyceride levels by 33 points on average, and the bad cholesterol by 5 points and as well as the diastolic blood pressure.
Important things to know: not all calories are created equally. 100 calories of sugar are not the same as 100 calories of spinach. Unfortunately, this is not what food companies would like you to believe. We shouldn’t necessarily even be focusing on counting calories; we should be focusing on the ingredients in our food. Sugar may be advertised as “fat-free,” however this is a just a marketing ploy. Calories from the sugars are the worst one because they are converted to fat in the liver, raise insulin resistance and increase the risk for diabetes and heart disease.
Using artificial sweeteners will not do anything good, as a matter of fact, it can do things worse. Many think that aspartame is just another FDA-approved sugar alternative that is safe to use, otherwise, it wouldn’t get on the market. However, the reality about aspartame is much more sinister, including how the chemical sweetener gained approval.

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