Did You Know?

By: on June 13th, 2016 in Health Tips


  1. Instant noodles contain a wax coating which is also used in styrofoam containers. That is why instant noodles don’t stick to each other while cooking. Make sure you stop eating a pack of noodles for at least 3 days after a session of noodles. This wax can cause CANCER.
  2. Cancer cells need sugar to thrive. When you consume sugar-laden foods your pancreas increase betta cells which produce insulin. By consuming sugar excessively an overproduction of insulin may occur and you may become immune to its effects. Reducing sugar intake and normalizing your insulin level can lower your risk of cancer.
  3. Wearing headphones helps you get more work done by removing auditory distractions plus people think you are listening to music.
  4. If you feel an unwanted sneeze coming on it can be stopped by pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
  5. If you are stressed out go try going out for running. Exercise helps reduce stress.