3 Rules Of Life!

By: on June 13th, 2016 in Health Tips


  1. Alcohol does not solve problems- I am sure most of us drink alcohol to relieve ourselves from stress but its a myth that alcohol reduces problems. God has given us the strength to fight and deal with many problems so drinking alcohol is not a solution because it only destroys the most important and precious part of the body i.e liver.
  2. Money can’t buy you happiness but it’s more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on bicycle – Its the reality of life that money can’t buy happiness but it is the internal satisfaction, a peace which makes you different from others and thus makes you happy.
  3. Forgive your enemy – Forgiving people not only makes you superior and different from others but also makes you feel relieved because when you hold grudges in your heart for someone you will definitely not be able to concentrate on your work and if you will not concentrate your performance will also suffer and you will also suffer.