6 Tricks To Change Your Mind

By: on June 13th, 2016 in Health Tips


  1. Stretching – One of the most effective ways to loose and stimulate your muscles is to do a quick stretch. Use the famous child pose and increase your blood flow, reduce the stress and tension. You can do with the whole body, your neck , chest, shoulders.
  2. Lemon Water – There is nothing better than a cup of warm lemon water in the morning. It will help you in cleaning your body. It will reset your pH and increase the flow of digestive juice. It will boost your metabolism and it will conquer the food cravings.
  3. Breakfast full of iron – The iron affects how much oxygen we receive and if you do not consume enough of it it may lead to weakness and you may be unable to concentrate.
  4. Meditation and relaxation – You only need a few minutes and the best way to do that is to put on some relaxing music. You can do this without music as well and concentrate on slow breathing. This method can help you even if you do for a minute and it will surely help you.
  5. Weekend sleep in – Even on weekend try and to keep up your daily schedule. If you sleep in you won’t be able to do your daily workout be more productive and you will not dread from monday , the day when you have to go to office, school , college .
  6. Dress up – It is very important that you feel good in your clothes. Try and wear something comfortable for a change.