Top Ten Benefits Of Avocado

Top Ten Benefits of Avocados
Avocados are one of the beneficial fruits having many health benefits. It contains good fats and many important nutrients like proteins, mono and polyunsaturated fats, fibres, Vit-A,B,C,E,K and folate and minerals like copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium etc. Due to its nutrients rich quality it can guard us from many diseases and keeps us disease free and healthy mind.
The Top Ten Benefits of Avocados are given below:
- Skin Nourishment: The essential monounsaturated fats of the avocados are the natural moisturizers of the skin. It enhances skin’s tone by retaining moisture. It is effective against dry skin, psoriasis, dermatitis, wound, aging, eczema, dark spots, scars and sunburns. Due to the presence of omega fats it helps to repair damaged skin cells and prevents skin’s redness and irritation. Avocado oils are helpful in collagen production thus maintains healthy skin.
- Enhances Brain Development: Avocados are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and Vit-E which are very essential nutrient for our brain development. Omega 3 fats increase the flow of blood through the frontal part of the brain which enhances our behavior by helping us to think, to decide and to plan perfectly. Vit-E helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
- Maintains healthy heart: Avocados are the best fruit to keep our heart healthy. MUFA fat prevents the risk of cardiac diseases, stroke, and increased lipid levels by lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. Vit-E helps to check high cholesterol levels and folate helps to decrease a homocysteine level which is a risk factor for cardiac diseases. Phytosterols protect the cholesterol absorption and high potassium maintains the blood pressure so as a whole all the nutrients protect our heart.
- Prevent from Birth Defects: The avocados are rich in folate and it is an essential nutrient for a pregnant mother and her child. The folate helps in brain development of an unborn child and also protect the child from birth defects like neural tube defects and spina bifida defects.
- Reduces Arthritis Inflammation: It contains anti-inflammatory agents like phytosterols, carotenoids and polyhydroxylated fatty acids which decreases arthritis inflammation. Regular consumption of this oil is a good remedy against arthritis pain.
- Prevents Cancer: Avocados are antioxidant-rich and thus it prevents cancers of mouth, skin and prostate. It also reduces the cancer cells by apoptosis. The presence of oleic acid helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
- Controls Diabetes: Avocados are the low G.I fruit containing soluble fibre which is good for maintaining blood sugar. MUFA fats and oleic acid help to increase insulin sensitivity.
- Ease Digestion: It helps in digestive function as it contains Vit-B complex which helps to release digestive enzymes. It also helps in nutrient absorption. Having alkaline in nature it maintains PH level and thus reduces G.I reflux and intestinal ulcers.
- Weight Management: The monounsaturated fats and high fibre helps to keep satiated and reduces hunger feeling. It metabolizes fat quickly due to the presence of an amino acid called L-Carnitine.
- Good for Eye Health: Avocados contain the antioxidant carotenoids namely lutein and zeaxanthin which protects the eyes from damaging and also prevents from developing age related eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration. Vit E also protects the retina from retinopathy.
Avocados help in growth, development and repair of tissues and fights against infections and degenerative disease so include this beneficial fruit to the diet either as raw salads, sandwiches, soups, cakes, puddings and brownies etc.