Top 10 Health Benefits Of Eggs For Ovo-Vegetarians


Eggs are super foods. Top 10 health benefits of Ovo-vegetarian are –

  1. Eggs are good nutritious food. It contains vitamin A, vitamin B complex, folate, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, zinc. So it’s a perfect food for our health.Egg white which contains one of the best protein in the world nutrients basket. A boiled egg contains 155 calories in terms of 100gm or weight, & out of which 13 gm i.e 26% of total protein available.
  2. Eggs are high in cholesterol, but they don’t affect too much in blood cholesterol for the majority of the people. As science says that chicken egg contains 300mg of cholesterol.
  3. Eggs help to increase HDL cholesterol or High-Density Lipoprotein. It is also called good cholesterol. Because the higher level of HDL has a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and various health problem.
  4. The egg is a good source of choline, which is used to build cell membrane and has a role in producing signaling molecules in the brain, along with various other functions.
  5. Egg consumption helps to change of balance of  LDL as bad cholesterol  & HDL as good cholesterol which is linked to a reduced heart disease risk. Eggs are somehow good for type II diabetes patients but the study says more than one egg per day may increase the risk of heart attack by 26%.
  6. Eggs are very good source of protein with all essential amino acids. Proteins are main building blocks of the human body. Eating adequate protein can help with weight loss, increase muscle mass, lower blood pressure and optimize bone health. One large egg contains 6g of protein
  7. Eggs help to prevent cataract and prevent eye problem. In relation to allergy, some kids are prone to egg allergies but still egg white is useful for supplying a high amount of protein which is called albumin.
  8. Eggs help to the growth of hair and nails. Because it contains sulfur-containing amino acids, vitamins & minerals.Vitamin B3 or Niacin is responsible for controlling hair fall which is very common nowadays even young ladies. So egg can supply enough this vitamin.If you can a mixture of egg & olive oil then it would give the best results for normal hair.Also if you make a mixture of egg with lemon juice that can provide shining hair instead of brittle hair. So dream your long shining hair either male or female who like to be good looking & also healthy.
  9. Eggs contain an antioxidant which is good for damage free radical scavenging activity.
  10. Eggs help to feel full for longer period of time.


Consumption of moderate amount of eggs is not unhealthy.