How Much Butter Is Healthy!!
How Much Butter is Healthy!!
Butter is made from the cream of whole milk through a churning process that separates out the fat content of the cream. Butter contains vitamin A & vitamin E which are antioxidants. We all know antioxidants are good for health to damage the free radicals. But it contains a high amount of saturated fat which are not good for our health. So a limited amount of butter intake is healthy not more than a limited amount. But what is the amount of that limited portion?
Generally, a daily requirement of fat for an ideal person should be 20 to 30 parent of their total calorie. And the amount of saturated fat should be less than 7% of total calorie.
One tablespoon or three teaspoon butter contains 7 gram of saturated fat. So we should intake less than one tablespoon or less than three teaspoon butter. We should keep in mind that there has few hidden source of saturated fat like beef, cookies which can increase total saturated fat portion.
Don’t replace butter, a good food, with a trans-fat containing food like margarine, which is toxic.
Butter contains 3 – 4% of butyrate which has health benefits of preventing weight gain, increase energy expenditure and reduce food intake.
Butter contains conjugated linoleic acid which helps to reduce weight gain and it has anti-cancer properties.
Butter contains lauric acid, which is important to treat fungal infection. It’s also a good source of vitamin E & K and also a good source of selenium.
Amongst the butter group, peanut butter is the perhaps best in terms nutrients & safety to all age persons. One serving i.e 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contains 12 gm of unsaturated fats. As because peanut is not a nut but legumes having high fiber. So, if anyone who has allergy or intolerance to soy, legumes & produce gas, indigestion, can easily digest this type of butter. This really delicious with sandwitch or brown brtead or white breads any time either morning or evening.
Butter in general, is believed that high source of fat ,cholesterol,s o some people has shifted as per studies to margarine .In fact butter in limited quanityt always helpful & specifically those who are under nutrition status should consume 2 -4 tablespoons everyday in morning & evening as well.
Vitamin D present in butter helps to absorption of butter. Butter contains Arachidonic Acid which plays a vital role in brain function and an important component of cell membranes. Butter also supplies iodine, needed by the thyroid gland.
Butter also contains good dietary source of calcium.
So you can take butter less than one tablespoon or three teaspoon.