Top 10 Benefits Of Peanuts


Top Ten Benefits of Peanut

Peanuts are the legumes but having qualities of nuts so they are classified into the nut family. These are also popularly known as groundnut. It is easily available throughout the year in India. These can be taken raw, roasted, added in snacks like upma, poha, sandwiches and salads etc or the oils extracted from the seeds of peanuts. Peanuts are calorie dense, protein rich and are good for growth, development and repair of body tissues. Though they are fat rich the fats are heart friendly called MUFA. It also contains many vitamins and minerals and is rich in antioxidants.

There are several benefits of peanut but essential top ten benefits are discussed below:

Cholesterol Reduction : It lowers LDL i.e. bad cholesterol and increases HDL i.e. good cholesterol. It contains MUFA, PUFA and Oleic acid which prevents from heart diseases. Vit-B-3 and copper both also help to lower LDL and increases HDL.

Regulates Blood Sugar : These are rich in manganese which plays an important function in the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates, absorption of calcium and thus regulate blood sugar.

Protects from Gall Stones : peanuts prevents the risk of gallstones if taken regularly in the morning with butter.

Prevents Cancer : It contains an antioxidant phytosterol namely beta-sitosterol which prevents from the risk of cancer and tumor. It also contains polyphenolic antioxidant coumaric acid which reduces the carcinogenic nitrosamines production thus prevents from stomach cancer. One more antioxidant Resveratrol which reduces the risk of cancers and also helpful against heart and nervous diseases, strokes, viral and fungal infections.

Reduces Depression and Enhance Memory: Peanut contains an essential amino acid tryptophan which helps in serotonin production which is a mood enhancer chemical and helps to overcome from depression. The presence of the fair amount of fatty acids controls mood swings. Vit-B3 improves brain functioning and memory power.

Improves Fertility: Peanuts are folate-rich which is very essential during pregnancy and unborn child’s brain development. It prevents neural tube birth defects.

Protects from Alzheimer’s disease: Peanuts are rich in niacin which is very important for proper brain functioning at age and thus prevents Alzheimer’s by improving memory function.

Helps in Weight Reduction: It contains an appropriate amount of fiber, healthy fats, and protein which fulfills satiety easily and also lowers appetite thus helps in weight reduction.

Helpful for Skin : It has anti-inflammatory properties which are effective against psoriasis, eczema etc. It contains fatty acid which reduces swelling and redness of the skin, rashes. Vit E and Vit-C helps to fight against acne, aging and keep wrinkle free, spotless, smooth and glowing skin. The fibers of peanut help to flush out toxins from the body which provides healthy skin. Peanut butter paste removes dirt and impurities from the skin and a good remedy of the skin treatment.

Helpful for Hairs : Peanuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and Biotin which improves scalp and hair follicles to induce growth of hair. The amino acid arginine controls baldness and Vit-E prevents from weak and brittle hair.

End Note : Instead of having so many importances if these consumed in an excess amount it causes some side effects like Diarrhoea, gas, heartburn and allergies. It is very prone to contaminated with aflatoxin fungus which is carcinogenic so if peanut changes it color to greenish yellow better to discard it. It is a healthy snack and a handful of peanuts are never harmful unless and until it is restricted for certain medical conditions.