Calories Of Various Fruit Juices & Health Effect
Fruit juices once a day is quite refreshing for the mind and body.
Fruit juice
When the liquid is extracted from the fruit it is known as fruit juice.
History of fruit juices
The word juice has been originated in French in 1300, it came from the old French word ‘’jus’’.
Preparation of juice
The juice is prepared by macerating or mechanically squeezing fresh fruits.
Method of preparation of juice
Extraction of juice
Straining, filtration, clarification
Blending, pasteurization
Filling, sealing, pasteurization
Cooling, labeling, packaging
Calories of various juices
- Lemon juice of 240 ml gives 50 kcal
- Grape juice of 240 ml gives 144 kcal
- Papaya juice of 240 ml gives 139 kcal
- Pear juice of 240 ml gives 144 kcal
- Apple juice of 240 ml gives 110 kcal
- Banana juice of 240 ml gives 120 kcal
- Blackberry juice of 240 ml gives 115 kcal
- Pineapple juice of 240 ml gives 127 kcal
- Orange juice of 240 ml gives 110 kcal
- Pomegranate juice of 240 ml gives 158 kcal
- Watermelon juice of 240 ml gives 76 kcal
Health benefit of juices
- Orange juice- Orange juice is packed with vitamin C. Drinking orange juice helps to keep the immune system healthy and its fight against damage causing free radicals.
- Grape juice – Grape juice helps to relieve the water retention boost metabolism and strengthen the immune system.
- Watermelon juice – It has 90% water content, it helps to hydrate body; it contains a lot of antioxidants which decreases heart disease and reduces high blood pressure.
- Pomegranate juice– Pomegranate juice is packed with an antioxidant, it contains vitamin E and C. it reduces wrinkle and protects against sun damage.
- Apple juice – Apple juice has a lot of fiber it keeps body filled for a longer span of time. It is also high in nutrient which replenishes the body with essential vitamin and nutrients. Apple juice also facilitates healthy weight loss.
- Papaya juice- Papaya juice contain pepsin, lycopene, it helps in digestion and also cures internal inflammation of the intestinal tract.
- Banana juice- Banana juice is helpful for maintaining healthy heart rhythm as it has potassium. It also reduces blood pressure.
- Pear juice – The pear juice is rich in C, E, A, B1, B2, C and it also contain minerals like potassium, phosphorus, copper and iron. It reduces the risk of chronic heart disease, type 2 diabetes.
- Strawberry juice – It is the great source of vitamin C and A. It is also a rich source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, Folate. It helps to reduce risk of heart disease and diabetes.
- Pineapple juice – Pineapple juice helps to flush out the toxin and help to supply oxygen to cell and make it more smooth and supple. It is the best source of vitamin A, B, and C.
Fruit juice is healthy it keeps overall health fine.