Benefits Of Garlic In Our Diet

By: on April 8th, 2016 in Diet & Nutrition


Garlic is a popular seasoning ingredient that flavors our food with an aromatic and strong taste. It can be taken raw, in the form of flakes or dried powder and also as a cooking constituent in a number of dishes. Recent research has proved that garlic comes with several health benefits along with its culinary uses. To understand these amazing and beneficial aspects of garlic, let us scroll down to the points below:

Health Benefits of Garlic

  • Daily intake of raw garlic reduces the chances of lung and prostrate cancer. It also contains an organo suplhur compound which renders it effective against a certain type of fatal brain tumour- gliobastoma.
  • Allium in it prevents the occurance of osteoporosis – a common bone ailment in aging women.
  • Diallyl sulfide – another compound in it acts as a powerful antibiotic in treating some forms of intestinal infections.
  • Another ingredient in this clove is diallyl trysulfide, which protects the body from cardiac arrests and other heart related diseases.
  • Cardiomyopathy is a common cause of death for diabetic patients. Recent studies have demonstrated that it’s oil can combat this up to a considerable extent.
  • It supplements aid in maintaining the lipid quantities in blood, regulate blood pressure and cut down cholesterol levels.
  • Its extracts also cure alcohol induced liver diseases and reduce the chances of pre-term delivery.
  • Another therapeutic use is to minimize the frequency of common cold in both adults and children.
  • Antioxidants in garlic protect the body from cell damage and thus decrease chances of disorders like – Alzheimers Disease and Dementia.
  • Allicin – the sulphur compound of garlic helps in treating acne and blemishes. Sulfenic acid, which is released after decomposing allicin works against microbes and free radicals, thus making it efficient for healing various allergies, skin infections and pimples.
  • It’s sulphur component contains keratin, which promotes hair growth and fortification.

In a nutshell, it has now been scientifically proven as a natural medication for several ailments. You can take two to three raw cloves daily or use it as an ingredient in your recipes. However, excess consumption can result in adverse health effects; so never consume more than the recommended dosage.