What Am I Suffering From?

“What Am I Suffering From?”!!
A friend of mine met me on his way back home after meeting an ophthalmologist for his frequent headache. He said he was surprised when the doctor told him that he had no problems with the eyes. He also told me that he is having frequent indigestion problems and he has been taking ayurvedic medicine, hing goli to improve his digestive power almost everyday and also a pain killer for his back pain, which he thought that it was because he was always before the computer without resting his back.
When I heard that he was suffering from headache, indigestion and back pain, I could guess what he was suffering from. To confirm my guess I asked him, if he has less appetite, nausea, vomiting, difficulty in passing stools, stomach pain or discomfort before or after eating, Bloating of stomach, mood swings. He said YES, and justified that all these were due to indigestion. I confirmed my Diagnosis! Due you suffer from few or all of these symptoms? Do you know why?
Definitely my friend’s headache, back pain and other symptoms were not due to his posture or work pressure, but all the above symptoms were associated with GASTRITIS!!
“What Is Gastritis?” he asked. I said, “The stomach lining gets eroded due reasons like improper food timing, dehydration, infection, stress, use of alcohol, use of pain killers, anti inflammatory drugs, pernicious anaemia, resulting in a condition called as Gastritis. The onset can be sudden (acute) or gradual (chronic). If Gastritis is left untreated, it may lead to general weakness, mal absorption syndrome, excessive loss of blood and may even lead to stomach cancer”.
He was not able to believe me. So I requested him to do the following things and give me his feedback after a week.
- Use milk at room temperature as his on rising drink instead of his regular tea along with 2 parle G biscuits.
- Time your food at the interval of 2 hrs – Small feeds (quantity individualised based on BMI and health concerns).
- Remove spice for the next one week.
- Include 30g of Solanum nigrum (Manathakkali / Milagu thakkali in Tamil and kagge soppu in Kannada and Makoi in Hindi) in any cooked form (as soup / with dal / as curry / as rasam / as playa with other veg) on a daily basis.
- Include sprouts and fruits on daily basis.
- Take 4 walnuts daily – 2 in the mid morning and 2 with the evening snack.
- Avoid too hot and too cold items.
- Drink 3L of fluids everyday.
- No salad and roti.
- Add a drop of ghee in breakfast and lunch.
- Go for 2 parle biscuits before you sleep, if you sleep 2 hours after your dinner.
- Avoid tea, coffee, green tea and carbonated beverages, especially the colas.
- Go for buttermilk or lassi(if not diabetic).
- Avoid alcohol.
- Wash hand with soap and water before eating any food.
- Brush twice a day – On rising and just before going to bed.
He promised me to follow the above strictly. He called back after a week’s time and thanked me for giving him the tips. He said he was feeling fresh and his back pain, headache, stomach discomfort, bloating subsided. His bowels and appetite improved and was active throughout the day. I advised him to continue the same for the next week, then slowly introduce spice, tea / coffee. Food timing and water quantity has to be maintained as a preventive measure.
Viewers, if anyone of you have the above symptoms, follow these simple tips which would give you amazing relief from your suffering. Do contact me in case of any doubts.