Home Remedies For Migraine



Migraine is a complex disorder caused around the brain and head involving the brain and the blood vessels. Migraine headaches are more severe and last longer than normal tension headaches. The pain that migraines bring can last for hours or even days.

Top five home remedies for treating migraines that grandmas suggest are:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Being a power house of nutrition, apple cider vinegar helps in reducing migraine problem. It also offers a huge range of health benefits like, detoxification, managing high blood pressure, balancing the blood sugar, reducing pain in bones and promote weight loss.
  • To a glass full of water, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • Add in one tablespoon of honey.
  • Drink this solution daily to prevent as well as treat migraines.

During migraine attack or when you start feeling the symptoms of it, increase the intake number of tablespoons to two or three.

  1. Ice Pack: The most popular and instant home remedy to get rid of tension as well as migraine is using an ice pack.
  • Wrap a few ice cubes in a clean towel and place it on your forehead for 10-15 minutes.
  • For better results, add lavender or essential oils to the water for the compress.
  1. Cayenne Pepper: The use of cayenne pepper is a great home remedy for migraines as it stimulates circulation and improves blood flow.
  • Mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of warm water.
  • Add some drops of lemon juice and honey to improve the taste.
  • Drink this as required.
  1. Ginger: Research indicates that ginger may prove effective in the treatment of common migraine problem.
  • Drink ginger tea a few times a day until you get relief.
  • Simply chewing a piece of raw ginger root can also help treat the problem and reduce symptoms like nausea.
  1. Massage: Massaging the head helps ease migraine headaches as it help in blocking the pain signals sent to the brain. It also boosts activity and stimulates certain receptors, thereby reducing the symptoms as well as frequency of migraines.
  • In a circular motion gently massage the head with your first two fingers.
  • Heat two tablespoon of sesame oil. Mix in half teaspoon each of cinnamon and cardamom powder. Apply this paste on forehead and massage it for better results.