Vegan Diet Should Be Preferred During Old Age

“The later part of normal life”. These people are usually retired from work and they spend their time in other ways like helping take care of small children who are kind to them in some way. Older people have more health problems than young adults and many of them take medicine.
Most common health problems during old age:
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome: Half of the aged people are overweight or obese. Obesity is related to Diabetes, breast ,colon cancer, Ovarian gall bladder, Cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Most of the people among them have a combination of risk factors known as metabolic syndrome.
Effect on Kidney health: During old age,the functions of a kidney are hampered. Due to the lower capacity of both the kidney, it cannot excrete urea, creatinine, potassium, nitrogenous waste products properly and as a result, it’s function is shut off. Renal failure occurs.
Heart Disease: As people age, the chances of high blood pressure and high cholesterol are increased and ultimately leads to stroke or developing heart disease.
Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis can contribute to becoming less mobile and potentially disabled should you fall and have a fracture.
The advantages of veg diet are:
It is important that older people choose a nutrient rich diet which is high in protein like milk and dairy products, meat, eggs, fish, bread, cereals and fruit and vegetables. A varied diet will also help them to ensure adequate nutritional intake. Along with the progressive age, the capacity of all organ like kidney, liver, pancreas etc is reduced that’s why the waste products cannot excrete from the body and they build up in the body.
Along with the progressive age, the capacity of all organ like kidney, liver, pancreas etc is reduced that’s why the waste products cannot excrete from the body and they build up in the body a multi-organ failure occurs. Nitrogenous waste products mainly come from the animal protein and it affects.
If during old age, vegetarian diet follows then possibility of occurrence of some diseases will be low with diabetes, chronic renal failure, liver diseases, obesity relates disorders, osteoarthritis, and the blood pressure will also remain within normal range by adopting a vegetarian diet.
Most importantly, Cholesterol levels are much lower in the case of vegetarians. Vegetarian diets are helped to reduce serum cholesterol levels to a much greater degree. Plant-based diets may encourage a later menarche which has been shown to be associated with reduced risk of breast cancer.
Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidant substances like Vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin E and Carotenoids(Vitamin –A) which protect the cells against oxidative damages and related to cancer risks and other health problems.
So I would say that old age is the very important age where we can see our parents who worked hard to help us to grow & help us to be successful persons by making a bright career. So being an adult person as on date, we must take care the health of our parents ,grandparents all by arranging the best quality vegetable meals, not because of survival but ensuring overall fitness & long life.