Dangerous Adulterants And Health Hazards

Dangerous Adulterants And Their Health Hazards : –
Common elements – There are some common elements like marble chips, sand ,gravel and fine soil mostly added to cereals ,grains, pulses, coriander etc. If ingested they can upset the digestive system besides being carriers of infection. These are always uncomfortable inside mouth, teeth or the gums.
Water – mostly used to adulterate milk in every where. Most of the time water is not clean but locally collected ,so it carries infections due to unhygienic .
Petroleum oil – used for adulterating edible oil. Used motor oil are an example. These oil are toxic and cancer-causing.
Mineral oils – These can be serious health hazards as some mineral oil are toxic for human beings and contain compounds capable of causing cancer.
Argemone seeds and oil – Argemone is a yellow-flowered plant that looks like the poppy with bluish , silver-veined prickly leaves. Argemone seeds & mustard seeds are mixed with during extraction of mustard oil. While both the seeds and oils are added then performs highly toxic and the consumer can lose vision due to disorder of eyes and may develop epidemic dropsy, one of the deadly disease due to eyesight weakness. G.I disorders & very high fever are associated symptoms for this disease even death can occur due heart failure or heart stops beating.
Lathyrus sativus (Kesari dal) – Kasseri is a very hardy plant and the pulse to add in to make Bengal gram flour. In villages of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, it is also used as wages for farm labor. The most horrible crippling paralysis in boys and men 5 to 45 years old were common seen in Indian villages even few years back. This is nothing but called Lathyrism. Stiffness of the knee joints and legs with pain around the knee and ankle joints, as well as in the back thighs were common sufferings to those young although because of a lot of serious initiatives of Government of India & almost no consumptions of this pulse, this incidence of happening disease is almost zero or nearby this figure.
Papaya seeds – are used to adulterate black pepper.
Talc – used to polish pulses may causes stomach cancer.
Washing soda or maida or flour – used to adulterate icing sugar.
Used tea leaves – powder form ,dry and colored are used to adulterate tea leaves. Used tea leaves can be the cause of infection and food poisoning .
Malachite green – Very old cooled hard dried peas look bright green as same like live in shops/open market like fresh peas. This is very poisonous and can cause cancer and can damage vital organs such as the kidney, spleen and liver. This has very bad effects on fetus & pregnant mothers.
So dear consumers be aware of these adulterants as bad people are becoming more greedy to fetch more profits by adding these unwanted adulterants & We all are accepting future poisons unknowingly !!