5 Important Health Benefits Of Green Tea
Tea is considered to be one of the most consumed beverages among all but according to the sources of TOI only 78% of the tea consumed is black tea and 20% is green. Green tea was traditionally used in in china in improving mental health, healing wounds, aid digestion and regulate body temperature. So, according to the health experts green tea has a potential to fight with many types of diseases ,weight loss and liver diseases. Here are some of the possible health benefits of Green Tea:
1. Weight Loss
The studies have shown that Green tea is clinically proved to reduce weight among obese adults and children. Green tea may promote a minimal weight loss among people. Green tea is also helpful in removing dental cavities and improving skin conditions. Green tea should be consumed by people in the morning and in evening and if you are consuming avoid snacks in-between the intake of green tea.
2. Diabetes
Green tea apparently helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This can prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage.
3. Heart disease
So, there is another health benefit of green tea i.e reducing hear diseases among people. A 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that green tea consumption is associated with reduced mortality due to all causes including cardiovascular disease. People who drink at least 5 cups of green tea per day have a lower risk of dying (especially from cardiovascular disease) than those who drink less than one cup of tea per day. Another study found that consuming 10 cups of green tea per day can lower total cholesterol however, consuming 4 cups or less had no effect on cholesterol levels.
4. Cancer
Studies have shown that green tea has another health benefit i.e people can be cured from cancer. So according to the survey green tea prevents us from breast, bladder, ovarian, colorectal, esophagal, lung, prostate, skin and stomach cancer. So to prevent a dreadful disease like cancer one should drink atleast 2-10 cups of green tea every day according to the sources.
5. Blood Pressure
Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.