Sleepless Night ? Foods Can Help To Your Insomnia
Sleepless night ? Foods can help to your Insomnia
Insomnia is the symptom of having the sleepless night. Our body runs in a ‘circadian’ rhythm system and a sleep-awake cycle is controlled by hormones in healthy humans. In general, people tend to wake in the morning and fall asleep in the evening. To maintain healthy physiology and sound organ system, a sound sleep of 6-7 hours at night is recommended. But, with too hectic lifestyle now a day it is really difficult to get a good sleep at night, which leads to insomnia. Eating well can provide sleep well. The entire day our daily diet decides our sleep hours at night and this statement is non-arguable. Let see how in the following sections.
It is often noticed that people under a very strict dietary habit report insomniac behavior. The reason is, a very low carb diet cannot provide enough satiety and eventually that gives hunger pranks at night. Fast and junk food eaters complain about insomnia due to an acidic reaction in the stomach and abdominal discomfort. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet also leads to insomnia and sleepless nights. Over eating of coffee and tea keeps the sleep away. Caffeine is a potent inhibitor of sleep and leads to insomnia.
Diabetes has found to be a prompt medical condition in generating insomnia and aggravate the condition according to many research studies. Dietary management of diabetes is thus is an independent condition to manage insomnia. Early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the disease are the primary concern in maintaining insomnia in many individuals.
Understanding the connection between insomnia and food intake, a definite dietary pattern can be followed to avoid sleepless nights. Some suggestions are –
- Eating fresh, on time and balanced with variety nutrients.
- Taking a light snack before a meal that will help in falling asleep.
- Eating homemade curd with cereals and salads to maintain gut bacterial culture as gut and brain has a prominent connection in balancing sleep cycle and these bacteria play an important role.
- Eating fruits for vitamin and mineral intake and maintaining the mechanism of sleep physiology.
- Eating green to have an adequate amount of antioxidant and flavonoids. These are neuro relaxing photochemical in managing sleep tendency.
- Separate attention for diabetic diet by providing less carbohydrate, adequate protein, normal fat, moderate dietary fiber and fewer junks.
Insomnia is a condition, whose onset is not dependent on food. Several non-dietary concerns are directly related to insomnia and can be managed by adopting a suitable lifestyle with less hazard and stress. Mostly worries, stress, overwork, over an ambitious way of life are the most important factors to stop first to get a good sleep. Good psychological health is to be maintained for sound sleep at night and avoid insomnia. Food is associated with psychological well-being and so directly connected to insomnia. Relaxation is a must for each individual. Light exercise, meditation, yoga, eating healthy are the best options to be relaxed, release stress and stay psychologically calm.