Foods That Help Erectile Dysfunction Disorder
Erectile dysfunction is a sexual inability to maintain or develop erection of the penis. While, there are many medications and surgeries to treat the condition, there are also certain types of foods that can help with the disorder:
- Watermelon
Watermelon is a watery fruit that contains certain natural compounds that can help to help against the effects of ED. The compounds are similar to medications in terms of its effects. Watermelon is also known to improve sex life. The antioxidant lycopene in the fruit is ideal for the heart and skin.
- Oysters
Oysters are rich in zinc, boosting the testosterone levels and improving sex drive. It also provides nutrients required for the body’s metabolism. However, make sure to properly cook the oysters before eating to avoid any side effects on the body.
- Coffee
Other than keeping you active for the day, coffee contains caffeine that activates testosterones in the body, helping with Erectile Dysfunction. It also improves blood flow to the penis, causing an erection. If you are not a coffee fan, then you can also try out tea and other sodas.
- Dark chocolate
While too much of chocolate may not be good for your health, having a dark chocolate can boost sex drive. It contains flavanols that help to lower the blood pressure and improve blood flow in the penis. It also helps in the production of nitric oxide that assists in erections.
- Nuts
Walnuts contain an amino acid called arginine that helps your body to make nitric oxide. Walnuts also have vitamin E, fiber, and folic acid, which are considered beneficial for the body. However, avoid adding too much walnut in the diet due to its high-calorie content.
- Juice
Fruit juices are a natural load of nutrients. Having a grape juice or pomegranate juice increases the production of nitric oxide to help with ED. Juice also contains other essential nutrients required for the body.
- Garlic
Garlic may have strong smell and taste, but it is a perfect natural remedy with various health benefits. Garlic is very good for the heart and increases blood flow as well. Increased blood flow causes erection so try to add garlic in the diet.
- Fish
Fish like salmon, sardine and tuna are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that boost nitric oxide production. It lowers blood pressure and reduces blood clot. Eating 8 ounces of salmon lowers the effect of ED.
- Greens
Green leafy vegetables are natural health booster. Apart from having nutrients, green vegetables are good for ED. It contains vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3.
- Pepper
Peppers like cayenne, jalapenos, etc. may be spicy but it has numerous health benefits. It reduces blood pressure and increases blood flow to many organs, including the penis. It also lowers cholesterol levels and reduces blood clotting.
- Olive Oil
Perhaps, one of the best ingredients of Mediterranean diet is Olive oil. It increases testosterone levels and contains mono-saturated fats that reduce cholesterol from the body. Try to include olive oil in your diet to attain its benefits.