Tensed About Lipid Profile? Fat Control Must

By: on January 31st, 2017 in

Tensed about Lipid Profile? Fat Control Must

Lipids are the fats present in the blood and high lipid profile is directly related with fats in the diets. Large amount of saturated, trans, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats imbalances the lipid levels and a diet low in total fat, saturated fat and low in cholesterol is the first line of defence to maintain your abnormal lipid profile and regular exercise is the second way of treatment for high lipid profile henceforth in preventing cardiac diseases. A lipid profile counts total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Foods which help to improve your lipid profile:

  • Olive oil: Olive oil and extra virgin olive oils contain many antioxidants which reduce LDL i.e. bad cholesterol and increases HDL i.e. good cholesterol.
  • Omega 3 fats: Include more omega 3 fatty acids and PUFA like walnuts and almonds, fishes which help to decrease LDL cholesterol and also maintain your lipid profile by increasing HDL cholesterol.
  • Avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils, Tran’s fats like peanut butter, margarine, and potato chips etc. as these are proinflammatory and increase your cholesterol level.
  • Decrease your LDL cholesterol by incorporating enough soluble fibers which allow lower absorption of cholesterol from G.I tract. Include a whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, beans salads, lentil soups, peas, oats, gruel, oat bran, ground flax seeds etc.
  • Avoid foods containing saturated fats both from vegetable and animal sources like cheese, milk, butter, steak and coconut oils etc.

Other Measures:

  • Eat skinless chicken with no visible fats as stew or soup and say no to red meats.
  • Eating low-fat or fat-free dairy products as curd and cheese and avoid whole milk and its products.
  • Avoid fried foods, fast, junk foods which are rich in fats.
  • Switch to grilling, roasting, boiling, steaming and sautéing instead of deep frying.
  • Include extra servings of vegetables and fruits as they contain phytonutrients and antioxidants which help to maintain lipid profile.
  • Avoid extra table salt and processed and canned foods as high lipid profile patients always complains of hypertension.
  • Avoid sugar and sugary foods like cakes, pastries, desserts, soft drinks, sweetened drinks, fruit juices, chocolates, jams, sweets as these are rich in concentrated sugar which raises your triglyceride levels. Instead of these foods opt for fruit salad, yogurt and home –made puddings.
  • Avoid egg yolks prefer to take egg whites as substitutes.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Regular exercise like walking, swimming, running, cycling etc for least 30 minutes.