Dietary Tips On Goiter

By: on May 24th, 2017 in


Goiter can be controlled and prevented with proper diet.
What is goiter?
Goiter is the swelling of the larynx and neck , it occur due to the enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Goiter cause –
90 % case is for iodine deficiency.
Food to be avoided in goiter
1. Soy products- It is important to avoid soya product or soybean. The soybean may cause goiter problem. According to ‘’Environmental health perspective’’ published by the national institute of health, soya has anti thyroid property. If there is deficiency of iodine in the diet. The patient may face problem with thyroid. It is advisable to avoid soy products like soy milk , tofu , soybean , soy bar and any item which contain soya on the label which include salad dressing and mayonnaise.
2. Cruciferous vegetable- The cruciferous vegetable contain sulfur containing compounds glucosinolates , when these compound are broken down it produce byproducts isothiocyanates. According to the study of the ‘’ food and chemical technology’’ found that isothiocyanate can produce goiter by blocking absorption and also uptake of iodine by thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency can cause goiter for cruciferous vegetable , it hinder the affect of the iodine on the thyroid function. These vegetables are kale , cauliflower , broccoli , Brussels sprouts, turnip , mustard , rutabaga. Generally these vegetables are goitrogenic when they are consumed raw and whole. If you want to get rid of these it is better to boil them or shred them. According to the ‘’food and chemical toxicology,’’ if the vegetable is shredded, they lose up to 75 % isothiocyanate content.
3. Other food that need to avoided- Goitrogenic foods like soya product and cruciferous vegetable should be avoided. Along with this other foods should be avoided like peanuts, millets, peaches, strawberry, and spinach. Radishes. These foods are high in flavonoid , it is plant compounds that offer health benefits . According to the ‘’ journal of nutrition’’ flavonoid can interfere with function of the thyroid and it also interfere with formation of the thyroid hormone.
Foods to be included in goiter-
1. Whole grains- In refined grains many of the essential vitamins and minerals are stripped off where as in case of the unrefined whole grain the vitamins and minerals and natural fiber remain intact. It provide more micronutrient that is selenium and vitamin B complex. Selenium is stored in the thyroid gland and plays important role for the thyroid gland. Eating more vitamin B complex rich food may reduce symptoms of the thyroid disease.
2. Fish- The minerals like zinc and iodine plays an important role in the thyroid function. Iodine deficiency is the leading cause around the world. It has been found that fish contain omega 3 fatty acid , zinc and iodine. Fish contain omega 3 which reduces the inflammation. The fish can also lead to the vitamin D deficiency.
3. Iodine salt – Iodine rich salt is good for our heath and taste.
Good food saves thyroid gland , prevents goiter.