Dietary Management For Protein Energy Malnutrition

By: on September 30th, 2017 in


The protein-energy malnutrition is quiet common among teenagers.

What is protein-energy malnutrition?

Protein-calorie malnutrition or protein-energy malnutrition is a form of malnutrition which shows the range of pathological conditions. This occurs due to the lack of adequate protein in the diet. These conditions may vary from mild through moderate to severe.

There are three form of protein energy malnutrition-

  1. Marasmas- When any individual is malnourished for long period of time then marasmas takes place. Fat and muscle store slowly decreases and these are used for essential energy. In this condition individual will look extremely thin and week.
  2. Kwashiorkor- The kwashiorkor takes place when the individual is deprived of protein for long period of time. It has been found that marasmas occur over a period of time while kwashiorkor occurs rapidly. Kwashiorkor is more stress induced. For example if an individual have faced an accident have got burns then they are more likely to have kwashiorkor. In case of burnt patient double the amount of calorie required for the fast recovery. If high protein food cannot be given during kwashiorkor then situation can become harder and individual may die.
  3. Marasmaric kwashiorkor- The marasmaric kwashiorkor occurs when an individual is malnourished for long extends of time. During this disease, the individual will look pale, week and severly malnourished. If the laboratory tests were done then it will show that there is a decrease in the blood protein like albumin.

Sign and symptoms of protein-energy malnutrition-

  1. Weakness
  2. Thirst
  3. Subcutaneous fat slowly disappears.
  4. Hair becomes thin and it can get lost.
  5. The skin becomes pale, lax and it shows pigmentation patch.

Dietary guideline for teenager during protein-energy malnutrition-

  1. High protein and high-calorie food should be given to the patients.
  2. The daily intake of fluid should be more.
  3. It is recommended to give more light food which contains high energy as well as high protein.
  4. It will be beneficial to give water which is drained from the boiled green grams. fruit juice, sugar cane juice, porridge of lentil, vegetable soup , milk , porridge of pulses , milk shakes , cereal , milk .
  5. It is important to check whether food is cooked properly or not.
  6. The fluid on daily basis should be adequate.
  7. The wide variety of food should have opted which ensures the good amount of minerals and vitamins in our daily diet.
  8. It is important to increase intake of the vitamin A. The vitamin A is a present liver oil of fish like halibut, cod, shark, vitamin A is also present in egg , meat , fish , liver and kidney.
  9. It is important to drink raw vegetables and fresh fruits.
  10. It is important to drink boiled mixture of basil and mint leaves in water.
  11. Whole grains foods can be given it provide good amount zinc.
  12. Vegetable oil and oil seeds like ground nut oil , coconut oil , safflower and cotton seed oil.


dietary management cure protein energy malnutrition in teenage patient.