Dietary Advice For Haemorrhage

By: on May 20th, 2017 in


Hemorrhage needs proper dietary support for soon recovery of internal body parts.

What is hemorrhage?

The blood escape from the ruptured vessel. It can be either internal or external.

Type of hemorrhage

  1. Postpartum hemorrhage – It occurs soon after the delivery.
  2. Secondary hemorrhage- It occurs after the injury for considerable lapse of time.
  3. Concealed hemorrhage- It is the internal hemorrhage.
  4. Internal hemorrhage- when extravagated blood remain inside the body.
  5. Primary hemorrhage- It occurs after the injury.
  6. Petechial hemorrhage- subcutaneous hemorrhage which occurs in the minute areas.
  7. Fibrinolytic hemorrhage- It occurs due to the hypofibriogenemia and fibrinolysis.

Diet for the hemorrhage-

  1. High protein food- High protein food is necessary to make the blood vessel tough. Long term inadequate consumption of the protein rich food can lead to intracranial microaneurysms rupture. It is better eat the food with high protein content. This will help to prevent hemorrhoids. The food which are rich in protein are raw vegetable , legumes , brown rice , whole grain cereals. Bowl of bran flakes and whole fruit help to improve digestive system. Lean meat like chicken can be given in form of soup , curry can be given.
  2. Hydrating the body- Dehydration should be avoided . Proper water or fluid intake help to distribute the food properly all over the body. Toxic product should be removed from our body which can prevent the hemorrhages. Fluid intake can be in form of juices , smoothies , plain mineral water.
  3. Fiber supplement- It is important to take good amount of fiber in the diet. Fiber intake prevent internal hemorrhages. It is important to get good amount of fiber in your diet. High fiber food like fruits and vegetables are good for our body.
  4. Avoid sugar – It is important to avoid food which contain high amount of sugar. High sugar does not get easily digested in our body. Too much sugar can get converted into the body fat. The high body fat increase body’s cholesterol level and triglyceride level. Which can lead to cerebral hemorrhage.
  5. Slow feeding – In case of the cerebral hemorrhage patient eating ability reduced a lot. Small bit of food should be introduced slowly to the patient. It should be given in small pieces. Small slow food feeding helpful during hemorrhage.
  6. Light food- The light food should be recommended to the entire patient. Spicy , high salted food should be avoided. Pickles, ketchup, fried food items should be avoided as much possible. Excessive salt intake may lead to edema it can give pressure to the veins. This may lead to internal hemorrhage. During the episode of hemorrhage light food should be given like more salad , soup , chicken and fish broth.
  7. Flavonoid , lycopene- Flavonoid and lycopene should be introduced in our diet. This will help to get rid of bad fat from our body. Strawberry , apple can be give.

Good diet during hemorrhage help in quick recovery.