Crp (C-Reactive Protein)

By: on February 3rd, 2016 in

A CRP test measures the levels of C-Reactive Protein, a protein in the blood. This protein indicates the level of inflammation in the body, either due to infection or various diseases.

A CRP only indicates that inflammation exist, but does not indicate the body part causing the inflammation or the reasons for it.

A particular kind of CRP test called high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) measures C-Reactive Protein at lower levels, in order to help detect heart disease. An hs-CRP value higher than a certain level indicates inflammation of arteries, which in turn indicates risk for stroke or heart attack.

The connection between high hs-CRP and heart disease is not understood fully. Hence hs-CRP is often a part of a broader Cardiac Risk Assessment, which includes other tests as well, and helps in detection of heart disease.

Parameters Included : 1

C-Reactive Protein

Why is this Test important :

A CRP test helps detect diseases that may be causing the inflammation eg rheumatoid arthritis (disease of the joints), lupus (immune disorder), lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes), inflammatory bowel syndrome (intestinal bleeding), or bone infections.

This test can also help determine occurrence of infection post-surgery. If CRP levels do not decline within 3 days after surgery, then an infection may be present.

How is this test done ?

The phlebotomist will collect a blood sample from a person and then this blood will be processed in a pathology lab.

Pre-conditions for this test :

No specific preparations are needed for CRP test, except that a patient may be asked to not eat or drink for a few hours before the test.

The patient must communicate the medicines he or she is taking with the doctor, as certain products can influence the results of the test.

Results :

The path lab can process the blood sample and provide the report usually within 24 hours.

The test is not useful (or may not be feasible) in these conditions :

– Infection
– IUD (Intrauterine Device) is installed
– Pregnancy
– Obesity
– Recently exercised

Normal Ranges :

– CRP < 10 mg/L
– hs-CRP < 1 mg/L (in context for diagnosis of heart disease)

CRP levels shoot up in case of recent inflammation. As inflammation subsides, CRP levels decline.