Best Dietary Tips On Oesophagus Cancer

By: on April 30th, 2017 in


The esophagus is the part of our digestive system. It is a long tube-like structure present in between pharynx and stomach and helps to carry food from pharynx to stomach. Esophagus cancer is one kind of cancer that arises in esophagus region.


The exact cause of esophagus cancer is not clearly known till now. But there some factors which increase the chances of esophagus cancer. Those are as follows:

  • It can be caused by excess smoking.
  • Not properly treated or persistent of gastro-esophagus reflux disease (G.E.R.D).
  • An excess amount of alcohol drinking.
  • An overweight or obese person have a higher risk to develop esophagus cancer.
  • Age over 50 and women are at higher risk of getting esophagus cancer.


Usually, esophagus cancer does not have any symptom at the early stage. But when it becomes severe it includes difficulties in swallowing, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and weight.


Patient those are suffering from esophagus cancer usually have difficulties in swallowing. It should be kept on mind before planning the diet. Be sure that the diet helps to provide enough nutrients and sustain ideal body weight to fight against this illness.

  • High calorie, high protein, liquid and a soft diet is recommended that helps to swallow the food.
  • You can select soft food among these – semolina porridge, pudding, and ice cream, full boiled or half boiled egg; boiled and soft boneless chicken boiled and smashed potato, cooked pasta, yogurts.
  • You can select liquid food among these – fruit juice, soup, stew, milkshake, pulse water.
  • Carbohydrate should provide 55 – 65 % of the total daily calorie intake.
  • Protein should provide 15% of the total daily calorie intake.
  • Protein requirement should be completed by a first class protein with high biological value like an egg, milk, meat, and fish.
  • If weight is normal then 20 – 30 gm visible fat can be given.
  • Butter or margarine can be added to your diet.
  • Vegetables, fruit should be included in the daily diet to help to maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Gas forming foods like pulses, cauliflower, cabbage should be avoided.
  • A diet which is low in fiber can be followed.
  • Milk and milk products can be included if there is no problem of acidity. It can relieve the pain.
  • The quantity of food is small initially then it will be increased gradually with an interval, compensated by light foods.
  • Fat, spices, junk food, hard drinks should be avoided.
  • Do not lie down after getting a meal.
  • Smoking is one of the big risks to get esophagus cancer. So avoid smoking.
  • Use antacid for preventing acidity after medical consultation.
  • If you have gastro-esophagus reflux disease problem then regular medical checkup should be done.
  • If the patient could not swallow not even liquid diet then parenteral nutrition therapy can be done with the intravenous channel after physician instruction.