10 Diet Tips On Pancreatic Cancer

By: on February 19th, 2017 in


Cancer risk of the pancreas is increasing with the alarming rate in the modern era.

Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer occurs when pancreatic cells begin to multiply outrageously and forms a mass.

Diet tips of pancreatic cancer

Food with healthy fat contains- Avoid fatty, greasy and fried food. These foods are difficult to digest when there is a problem in the pancreas. It is better to have food which is grilled, baked or boiled. Healthy fatty food which contains monounsaturated fatty acid and also polyunsaturated fatty acid such as Suffolk oil, sunflower oil, nuts
Prefer eating a whole grain food- Brown rice, whole wheat bread, ragi bread, oats, whole wheat flour are good choices. If the patient is suffering from diarrhea than whole grain food should be avoided, then low residue diet should be prescribed.
Excess sugar and sweet consumption should be avoided- Pancreas plays a major role in sugar digestion if excess sugar is consumed then it may create a problem.
Slow eating and properly chewing of food is recommended-
Digestion process starts from the mouth, food should be properly chewed and crushed with teeth, and then it should be swallowed.

Enhance fluid intake to avoid dehydration- It is preferred to choose beverages which have more fluid and medium to low-calorie content. It is better to take minimum 8- 9 glass of water for daily. Few sip of water is better during main meals because it may lead to gas, bloating or feeling of fullness.
It is better to have the shorter light meal than having the heavy meal- a Smaller amount of food is easy to digest than the heavy large meal. The meal should be packed with protein and essential nutrients, which can satisfy body need. Avoid eating before sleep.
Limit curcumin in the diet- Curcumin is the phenolic compound which gives turmeric yellow color. Curcumin should be avoided because it has been found that curcumin inhibits the production of the interleukin -8, it is a special protein produced by the WBC that contribute to the occurrence of pancreatic cancer.
Avoid food with nitrate- Nitrate is a natural substance which is present in the air, soil, and water. It is also used for processed meat to give deep red color. It has been found that if food containing nitrate if consumed then it is converted into nitrites which can later turn into nitrosamine. Nitrosamine is responsible for causing pancreatic cancer in the human.
Sufficient intake of vitamin C & E- The vitamin C and E has a powerful antioxidant property which can fight against the free radical, it has been also found that it also help to prevent in the information of the nitrosamine which causes pancreatic cancer.
Food should be avoided which contain aflatoxin- Food becomes carcinogenic during processing and storage when certain fungi is developed in the food. This is known as aflatoxin which may damage the pancreas. Freshly produced food and the food which contain chlorophyll in are preferred.
Pancreatic cancer is directly linked with proper diet, exercise, and medication.