Cauliflower In Winter Helpful Or Makes Gas!

Cauliflower has amazing taste, in winter cauliflower rules our menu.
Cauliflower falls in the species of Brassica oleracea. It has a white head. The white head part is consumable although many of us now opting cauliflower leaves as food because it is a good source of calcium.
Type of cauliflower
- Major group
- Italian – It’s appearance varied, it is available biennial and annually.
- Northern European annuals – It is harvested in summer and fall harvest.
- Northwest European biennial – It is harvest in winter and early spring.
- Asian – These are generally found in china and India.
- Color
- White – It is the most common form of cauliflower.
- Orange – Orange type of cauliflower has 25 % more vitamin A than white one.
- Green – Green one is known as broccoflower.
- Purple – purple color occurs in the cauliflower is due to the presence of anthocyanin
Nutritional values
Cauliflower nutritional value per 100 gm
Energy – 25 kcal
Total fat -0.3 gm
Sodium – 30 mg
Potassium – 299 mg
Dietary fiber – 2 gm
Calcium 2 % of RDA
Vitamin c – 80 % of RDA
Vitamin B6 – 10 % RDA
Why Cauliflower is a gas forming vegetable?
Cauliflower contain soluble fiber, this type of fiber does not break until it reaches small intestine. When cauliflower is not properly digested it can produce flatulence, stomach ache, bloating, and uneasiness. Cauliflower also contain raffinose , it is complex sugar that produces gas .
Procedures through which we can eliminate the gas producing nature of cauliflower
- Boil the cauliflower properly so that it become soft and it will be easily digested.
- Raw cauliflower should not be consumed because it may enhance the problem of gas production within our body.
- Cauliflower should not be cooked to spicy and oily. Cauliflower can cause not only gas but also stomach upset If it is cooked with heavy spices.
- Cauliflower should not be deep fried; deep fried cauliflower can cause more gas and flatulence.
- Cauliflower should be made with butter, cheese or with ghee it cause problem in digestion and it can lead to gas formation.
- Cauliflower can be cooked with papaya, papaya contain pepsin which facilities better digestion and reduce problem of gas.
- Cauliflower should not be consumed with high protein food like egg, milk, meat which can cause problem during digestion process. We can make lot of healthy recipes from cauliflower like boiled cauliflower salad, cauliflower curry, methi cauliflower. Although it produces gas and even we cannot give cauliflower to the patient with hypothyroid and hyperthyroidism, still we can enjoy cauliflower if we cook it healthy. Hot cauliflower soup in the dinner is the most comforting food at night. The color and taste of the cauliflower makes it favorite platter. It is not only liked by the vegetarians but also by the non vegetarians. Cauliflower is the good source of calcium, vitamin c, iron, potassium.