Drinking Lemon In Hot Water Is Good But There’s Something That You Don’t Know

By: on June 4th, 2016 in Health Tips


Drinking lemon with hot water in the morning is really popular nowadays. Many people drink this super healthy drink in the morning, immediately after they wake up. If you drink lemon water in the morning on empty stomach – then you know the incredible health benefits from it. You should know that a super healthy drink will help you cleanse your body from all harmful toxins and lose weight along the way.

Lemon is loaded with many healthy nutrients, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex, as well as pectin fibers, proteins and carbohydrates. The citric acid of lemon has strong antibacterial and anti-viral power and it also has immune-stimulating powers that help keep us healthy.

Lemon – Health Benefits:

Improves digestion
Did you know that lemon water is extremely useful for improving the function of the digestive tract? And, as we mentioned before, lemon water is also very beneficial and useful for cleansing the human body from all harmful toxins and parasites.

Helps to lose weight.
This super healthy fruit is loaded with pectin fibers, which are extremely useful and helpful to control your cravings and suppress your appetite. Well, this means that you won’t eat too much and you will lose weight much faster. And, when you combine warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice and some honey – alkaline environment occurs in the stomach, which could speed up the weight loss process.

Cleans the skin.
Lemon is loaded with many healthy nutrients and antioxidants. The antioxidants in the lemon juice can help you reduce the wrinkles and dark spots on your skin. Your skin will be smooth and shiny. This is why you should drink lemon water, on empty stomach – immediately after you wake up.

Boost your immune system.
As we all know, lemon is loaded with the most powerful antioxidant – Vitamin C. This vitamin will help you improve the function of the immune system and protect your health from infections. The Vitamin C levels in your organism drop rapidly when you are under stress. So, it’s highly recommended to consume a large amount of Vitamin C in stressful days.

Bad breath.
This incredible fruit will also reduce the pain if you have toothaches. And because lemon acid can damage the tooth enamel, after drinking lemon water you should wait for 30 minutes before you wash your teeth.