Vitamin-D Deficiency !! Sunlight & Supplements
Vitamin-D is a fat soluble vitamin which is stored in the liver and fatty tissues. The two common forms of Vit-D are D2 (Ergocalciferol) synthesised by plants & D3 (Cholecalciferol) which is synthesised by the human when exposed to sunlight. The active form of both the vitamin is Calcitriol.
Though our body has the ability to make Vit-D in spite of this Vit-D deficiency is common in old age, infants, dark skin people, people living in hilly areas and people who have insufficient sunlight exposure.
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency:
- Lack of concentration
- Bone pain and deformities
- Easily bone fractures
- Muscles pain and weakness
- Fatigue
- Weight Gain
- Hypertension
- Headaches
- Bladder problems
- Constipation or Diarrhoea
Causes of Deficiency:
- Not taking sufficient animal protein i.e. on the strict vegetarian diet.
- Less exposure to sunlight.
- Dark skin people contain more melanin which inhibits Vit-D formation.
- When Kidneys are not working properly to convert Vit-D to its active form.
- If Body is not able to absorb Vit-D properly from the food.
- Obesity inhibits the release of Vit-D into the blood.
- Use of sunscreen creams/lotions.
Effects of Vit-D Deficiency: Vit-D deficiency leads to many health problems viz-
- Osteoporosis
- Heart Diseases and Hypertension
- Cancer
- Auto-immune Diseases
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Arthritis
- Diabetes-II
- Asthma
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Chronic Pain
- Psoriasis
- Fibromyalgia
- Autism
Sources of Vit-D Rich Foods:
- Fatty fishes like salmon, tuna etc.
- Beef, liver
- Cheese
- Egg yolks
- Fish liver oils
- Mushrooms
Vit-D Levels:
≥ 50 =Good level
30-50= Need a Vit-D supplement
≤ 30= Very Deficient and needs Urgent Care.
Vit-D supplements:
10 micrograms of Vit-D is required per day either through diet or with supplements. The Vitamin-D supplement is essential to people having less exposure to sunlight or having vegetarian diet regularly or people with liver or kidney diseases. It is very difficult to find out Vit-D requirement through sun exposure, so it is better to concentrate on the diet. But the fact is that the natural vegetarian foods do not contain enough Vit-D so to prevent Vit-D deficiency it is better to have Vit-D supplements.
Vit-D supplements are generally found in three forms-
- Tablets
- Capsules
- Emulsified oil drops
Vit-D supplements are also fortified with foods viz-
- Milk
- Breakfast Cereals
- Yogurt
- Orange Juice
- Bread
Recommended Supplementation of Vit-D
- 0-12 months infants – 400 IU/d
- 1-18 years child and teens-600 IU/d
- Adult up to 70 years- 600 IU/d
- Above 70 years- 800/IU/d
- Pregnant and Lactating women-600 IU/d
Vit-D supplements are inexpensive and available in the market in a multivitamin tablet form. If there is limited sun exposure than 600 IU/d of Vit-D supplementation is necessary for 1 to 70 years of age or 800 IU/d above 70 years of age.
So finally, The natural and recommended form of Vit-D is D-3 i.e. Cholecalciferol and the supplements are D-2 i.e Ergocalciferol, which is derived from irradiated fungus or yeast. However, it is better to go for natural sources of Vit-D-3 inspite of choosing Vit-D-2 supplements. Too much exposure of the sunlight is harmful to U.V radiations, sunburn and tanning, so, Animal sources of Vit-D may be preferred overexposure to sunlight.
The supplements also interact with other weight loss, cholesterol lowering medicines and steroids. Also, high Vit-D supplementation leads to kidney stones.