How To Select Your Healthy Foods At Home!!
First of all foods habits are little different & variable in respect of region, community, climate. But over all there are some common foods, ingredients, meals, snacks, vegetables/fruits that we eat in our daily life. We need carbohydrate, Protein, Fat in a ratio at 50%:20% or per kg body weight :rest 30% total fat (visible fat like cooking oil +invisible fat which are inside the foods we are consuming daily).
Lets talk about a average energy (example) per day 2000 kcal/day as per his or her requirement depend upon age, sex, life styles, exercises, working habits etc.
There should be scientific assessment of 50% cereals mostly brown rice, brown breads, enough fibre rich foods like Oat & corns, whole wheat based (must be gluten free) chapati, dalia. Rice in addition to pulses like moog/lentils (Khichdi) are quite good for producing that much of energy. i.e (half) 1000 kcal/4 = 250 gm carbohydrate . you need divided by breakfast, Lunch & Diner . In some times mid morning or evening you can add puffed rice (low salt) or dry rice flakes in addition of 50 gm nuts without spices or oil drops. Preference are always for whole grains. Better you avoid pasta, plain rice,& refined flour which may cause of constipation in general & more external fat as adipose tissues & visceral fats in belly, hips etc & create a very odd shape of any one’s body. Now in all your staple meals you need to add pulses around 25 gm. sprouts,20 gm to get good plant proteins as some additional energy within cereals.These are not only good sources of taste, satiety, fibres but also within a limited budget considering a middle or lower middle in come group .
Now we will be discussing about homely available proteins as these can be divided into two types 1) animal source & 2) plant source. Plant based proteins are little better in terms of side effects like less chance of uric acids formations due to less catabolism. You can get few good plant sources like lentils, hemp seeds ,spirulina,yeast,mushroom, quinoa etc. Pulses (legumes; pea family): fenugreek leaves, lentil, pea, chickpea, mung bean and soybean (bean sprouts).As you all know animal proteins like Milk 300 ml, Fish or chicken 80 gm to 100 gm, Egg-whole -2 pcs. (not at a time), plain Paneer 50gm (not cream based), can be taken for daily consumption as per requirement stated above, of course before selecting any food product you need to check allergy sensitivity to that individual. There is a blood test/diagnostic test is called ELIZA which can specify you level of sensitivity to each food element/ingredient. As a nutritionist we advice not to consume frequently red meats but lean meat also in a certain quantity. Be aware of unhygienic & improper cooked Pork which pass the worms called Tenia Solium.
Now we need compulsorily the cooking oil should be picked up from the group of Poly or Mono Unsaturated Fatty acids around 20% like mustard oils, sun flower etc. Rest visible fats usually come from all types of foods we consume in our whole day meals. Do not consume coconut, palm, rapeseed etc oils & avoid to take saturated fats like butter, ghee except some nominal to get taste to your breads. Always be aware of cardiac, Gastro, Diabetic etc patients to be taken care on priority on use about all these fats/oils. Normally A good ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 would be at around 1:1 to 3:1 parts Omega-6 to Omega-3 as per fatty acids are concerned in our daily oils or fats. I hope this information is helpful & applicable in daily life.