Do This Simple Massage To Reduce Your Belly Fat


Most people both men and women struggle with this common problem- belly fat. A little extra bulge around the midsection can be a source of insecurity for many and in some cases it may be even indicative of a more serious health problems. Belly fat accumulates for many different reasons including age , maintaining a poor diet full of sugar and processed foods, lack of sleep , stress. Identifying the problems the best way to find a solution but sometimes even with a healthy diet exercise, belly fat doesn’t wan to budge.

The chinese medicine massage technique combines different types of excercise to improve the digestive system while maximising the body’s ability to detoxify and eliminate waste. Benefits of this technique include:

  • Melting adipose tissue
  • Improving digestive efficiency
  • Detoxing the intestines
  • Improving constipation
  • Improving circulation in the abdominal region


For best results perform this technique:

  1.  Lie flat on your back on a firm surface
  2. Warm up your hands by rubbing them together until they feel hot
  3. Place one hand on your belly button
  4. Begin rubbing in small circles around your belly button gradually widening the circles using a firm pressure. Each circles should take 1-2 seconds.
  5. Focus on the heat, which builds up in your abdominal region as you rub.
  6. Perform for two minutes, about 40-50 seconds circles. Be sure to keep your stomach warm during the exercise.