Super Healthy Foods

By: on April 4th, 2016 in Diet & Nutrition


We all are worried about our family’s health and may ask them to eat healthy things which may give strength to their body to perform quality work through out the day. Even a person working in office and a kid who is going to pre-nursery needs healthy things to eat. So here are the super healthy foods:

  1. Nuts- Almonds,Cashew Peanuts,Pistachio,Pumpkin seeds and Walnuts.
  2. Fruits- Apples,Blueberries,Oranges,Pears,Watermelon
  3. Drinks-Green tea,Fat free milk,Mint tea,Orange juice,Tomato juice,Cranberry juice.
  4. Spices- Basil,Ginger,Oregano,Peppermint,Turmeric
  5. Sea foods- Cod,Oyster,Salmon,Tuna
  6. Beans- Black beans,Kidney beans, Lima beans, Navy, Soybeans
  7. Veggies- Onions, Spinach, Carrots