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By: on April 30th, 2017 in


The bent waist is a major problem faced by elderly women. Right diet & exercise is beneficial for these women.

Diet for bent waist-

  1. Vitamin B12 – The vitamin B12 is important for creating red blood corpuscles and DNA and it is essential to maintain the healthy nervous system. It also keeps nerve of waist functional.

Source- Liver, fish, crab, fortified cereal, low-fat dairy, cheese, egg, soy product.

  1. Calcium- Calcium plays many important roles in our body. Calcium is important in maintaining and building healthy and strong bone. If don’t have enough calcium in our diet then it leaches out from the bone. Shortage of calcium can lead to bone breakage and fracture waist.

Source- kale, soybean, white bean, spinach, salmon, sardine, orange juice, oatmeal. Milk, yoghurt

  1. Folic acid- Folate is essential for women’s body. Folate deficiency can lead to anaemia; the greater risk is involved for the pregnant women. Folate deficiency is also bad for women after 60. Anaemia can weaken the immunity, they may feel weak & dizzy.

Source-  Avocado, lentil, dark green vegetable such as spinach, broccoli, turnip green, Brussels’ sprout.

  1. Vitamin D – Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium and to maintain healthy bone density and it also prevents osteoporosis. And it also prevents bent waist. Vitamin D also preventive against many important diseases like cancer rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, multiple sclerosis.

Source – the sun is the great source of vitamin D, the precursor of vitamin D is present in the skin.other sources of vitamin D are milk, yoghurt, cereals, juices.  Elderly people should take food containing vitamin D as the skin become more supple so it cannot synthesise vitamin D in our body.

  1. Omega 3 fat- The unsaturated fatty acid which is found in the fish have great efficiency. It prevents age-related muscular degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis and also bends waist.

Source – flax seed, sunflower seed, fish oils, salmon, shrimps, sardine, coastal fishes.


  1. Bent knee raises – It strengthen the hip and flexor muscle, it also maintains posture. Strengthen the waist.
  2. Cat & camel- It is to stretch the mid and lower back muscle. Exercise to strength the waist and losing the pelvic tilts.
  3. Eccentric straight leg raises – This exercise improve the abdominal and flexor muscle. It maintains posture and gets rid of back pain. It prevents bend waist.
  4. Curl up – It strengthens the core muscles. It helps to get rid of abdominal back pain and maintain balance & posture.
  5. Sit back– It helps to firm the abdominal and waist muscle and bone.
  6. Bent knee raises–  It helps to improve the function of the flexor and abdominal muscle.  
  7. Bridging- It is a lower back exercise which strengthens the buttock muscle, hip extensor and hamstring. This also prevents bend waist.

Proper exercise and diet are essential for the elderly women.