Dietary Advice For Hyperthyroidism Patients

By: on December 28th, 2016 in

Dietary Advice for Hyperthyroidism Patients

Hyperthyroidism is the condition when the thyroid gland secretes excess thyroid hormone in a very short time. Hyperthyroidism increases the metabolism of the body and also causes with heart and bone diseases and disturbs our mood.The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are insomnia, increased heart rate, tremors, anxiety, increased hunger, severe weight loss. So, with the help of medication and a proper diet, the symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be subsided.

Here are some Dietary Tips of Hyperthyroidism:

  • Exclude foods rich in iodine such as seafood, iodized salt and organic cheese etc as excess iodine worsen the condition.
  • Include Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and green leafy veggies like spinach, kale as it helps to lower the production of thyroid hormone.
  • Take lean protein rich diet like fishes, skinless chicken, poultry, turkey, legumes, nuts, beans, soybean and soy products which help in lean muscle mass development and prevent weight loss. Include protein into every meal and avoid processed and red meats.
  • Include Omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseed oil, walnut, olive oils, salmons, fish oils which help to decrease inflammation and enhance immunity.
  • Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables like blueberries, cherries, tomatoes, squash and bell peppers etc which boosts immunity.
  • Vit-D rich foods like egg yolk, salmon, mackerel and mushrooms are very essential, for keeping bones healthy and strong as hyperthyroidism weakens bone.
  • Include probiotics like yoghurt, it maintains a healthy gut and a healthy gut improves functions of the thyroid gland. Yoghurts are also rich in calcium which prevents osteoporosis resulting from hyperthyroidism.
  • Hyperthyroidism depletes nutrient zinc into the body so by taking whole grains like millet, brown rice, nuts and seeds the deficiency can be recovered.
  • Exclude if any food suspected as food allergens like dairy products, wheat, gluten, corn and foods with artificial additives as it also worsen the symptoms and also causes skin rashes, breathing problems, abdominal cramping and diarrhoea etc. and also slows the recovery process.
  • Thyroid interferes with blood sugar regulation so limit the foods with high G.I like processed grains, white flour, sugary foods, sweets, juices, cakes, pastries and low fibre cereals instead choose high fibre, complex carbohydrates with low G.I foods like barley, oats, whole grains, pasta, lentils, yams etc to maintain the blood sugar level in normal range and also to prevent Diabetes. Don’t avoid carbohydrates as it is the main source of energy and calorie which is needed in hyperthyroidism.
  • Include Vit B rich foods like fish, poultry, brown bread, brown rice, oats, eggs, soybeans and there is a risk of replenishing Vit-B-complex because of increased metabolism of a body. Can take Vit-B supplement or a multivitamin.
  • Avoid Hydrogenated vegetable oils and foods containing saturated fats and Tran’s fats like baked foods, crackers, cookies, cakes, pastries, fried foods, high-fat dairy products.
  • Avoid empty calorie foods and also don’t take only low-calorie foods like salads, veggies and soups before meals as they only give a satiety feeling but not required calories.
  • Include low-fat milk and home-made desserts like puddings, custards, phirni from low-fat milk which can add calories. Include homemade low-fat paneer which provides satiety and keeps away hunger feeling for a long time.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking and tobacco.
  • Avoid tea, coffee, colas and chocolates. Can take herbal and green tea which is beneficial for hyperthyroidism.
  • Eat small and frequent meals instead of heavy single meals. Do not skip meals and also don’t interval foods for more than 3-4 hours. Have food at regular intervals.
  • Drink plenty of water and lemon juice and avoid drinking water immediately after meals.