Dietary Advice For Copd

By: on December 29th, 2016 in

The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is more prevalent due to air pollution and bad lifestyle.
What is COPD?
COPD is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. COPD is the progressive lung diseases which include refractory asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and certain forms of bronchiectasis.
What are symptoms of COPD?
 Tightness in chest
 Coughing frequently with or without sputum
 Wheezing
 Breathlessness increased
Cause of COPD-
1. Airway obstruction
 Emphysema – This lung disease can lead to the destruction of walls and elasticity of the alveoli.
 Chronic bronchitis – In this condition bronchial tubes become narrow and inflamed. Lungs produce more mucus.
2. Cigarette and other irritants
 Cigar
 Pipe smoke
 Secondhand smoke
 Air pollution
 Work place exposure to fume, smoke, dust
3. Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency
4. Exposure to dust and chemical
5. Genetics
6. Age – It slowly develops ,at age at least 40 when signs of COPD can be seen

Dietary guideline for COPD
1. An inclusion of potassium rich food- The food rich in potassium should be included like orange, dark green leafy vegetable, tomato, avocado, potato, and beet.
2. Fresh vegetable and fruit – Fresh vegetable and fruit contain ample amount of minerals, vitamin, and fiber.
3. An inclusion of complex carbohydrate – Complex carbohydrate such as brown rice, bran, whole grain bread, oats, quinoa, lentil.
4. Low-fat protein food – Low-fat protein food like lean meat, skinless poultry, and oily fishes should be included in the diet.
5. Avoid too much salt – Too much salt can lead to water retention and it cause difficulty in breathing. 300 -600 mg of salt is recommended per meal in a day.
6. Avoid gas forming fruit – Some fruit cause congestions like apricot, peaches, melon. They form a gas which can lead to breathing problem.
7. Avoid gas forming vegetable – Beans,Brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower,corn, leeks,pepper,peas, onion can form gas & therefore these vegetables should be avoided.
8. Avoid milk and cheese – Milk and cheese can lead to phlegm thickening. There by it is better to avoid milk and cheese.
9. Avoid chocolate – Avoid chocolate because it can interfere with COPD medications.
10. Avoid fried food- Avoid fried and deep fried food it can cause gas, it may then lead to breathing problem.
11. Avoid alcohol – Alcohol slower down the breathing rate. Therefore alcohol consumption should be restricted.
12. Avoid caffeinated drink – Caffeinated drink like coffee, tea, sodas, energy drink such as red bull should be avoided as it cause interference with the medication.
13. Enhance water intake – Water should be consumed around 7- 8 liter per day. Adequate hydration make the mucus thin and it ease breathing
14. Increase number of meal – Instead of having 2- 3 main meal in a day, try to have 6 7 meal. Make the meal light and nutritious.
Diet, life style, medication can relief the problem from COPD