
Anonymous asked 8 years ago
1 Answers
Nationwide Clinics Staff answered 8 years ago

Hello, Seasonal allergies can be a challenge. The best way to take care of this is to avoid the triggers. Keep windows and doors shut and car windows closed during allergy season Wear a mask when going out Take a shower, change clothes and wash hands after coming from outside Keep away from pollen and dust Dust surfaces, drapes and linen regularly  Avoid mowing lawns if you are allergic to grass If you have a history of allergies your doctor may advise you to have anti-allergens 2 weeks prior to start of the allergy season.  There are certain immunotherapies available which expose the patient to known allergens in graded manner.  Kindly talk to your doctor who would be able to advise you more. Regards, Dr Gowri Kulkarni