Some Best Pranayamas That You Can Practice Daily

Performing Pranayam early in the morning makes us feel more dynamic.
What is pranayama?
Pranayam is the yoga which is performed by regulating breath through certain technique and exercises,
Different type of pranayama-
- Agnisara pranayama- In this type of yoga air is exhaled out and abdominal muscles are fanned. It helps to increase the digestive power. It helps to increase the digestion level of bile level in the intestine and stomach. It also increases the right movements in the large intestine, it occurs due to the increased abdominal pressure during pranayama.
- Kapal Bharti- In this type of pranayama, the air is forcefully exhaled out. Many individuals use these pranayamas in the initial phase of the meditation. Kapal Bharti enhances concentration and alertness. Rigorous exhaling of the breath can lead to an increase in the vata. This will help to increase the alertness and activity level. KaphBharatiati help to reduce obesity as it strengthens the abdominal muscle and it also helps to burn calories.
- Pranav Pranayam- This yoga should be performed empty stomach and in the fresh air. It in this type of pranayam one has to breathe normally. It can be practiced for 3 minutes to 1 hour. This type of pranayam strengthen the mind, increase concentration, it helps to get rid of mental stress and different physical disorder.
- Udgeeth Pranayam- In this type of pranayam inhaling and exhailing should be long. At first, deep inhalation should be done followed by exhaling air with ohm noise. It can cure hypertension, acidity and improve memory power. It also improves memory power and it also cures problem related to the nervous system. This yoga should be done in 5-hour gap of the main meal and yoga practice. This yoga should be performed early in the morning in the fresh air.
- Anulom vilom pranayam- It is an excellent breathing exercise to get rid of blood pressure and heart related problem. This yoga should be done in the flat platform, At first right nostril should be closed with the thumb and breath from the left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the ring and middle finger and breathe from the right nostril. This process should be repeated for 5 – 10 minutes. It improves concentration and effective for glowing skin. It relives hypertension, depression. It cures asthma, heart blockage, neurological problem,
- Bhastrika Pranayam- Bhastrika pranayam means deep inhaling and forceful exhaling. This exercise can be done for 2- 5 minutes daily. This pranayam improves depression, hypertension. It strengthens the lungs capacity. It also helps to cure throat infections. Daily performing this pranayam can improve appetite and enhance the basal metabolic rate. It also reduces the risk of obesity.
- Bahya Pranayam- In Bhaya Pranayam, one has exhaled completely and touch chin to the chest. It is important to hold the breath for 15 seconds and stomach muscle should be pulled inside and upwards. Bahya pranam helps to cure problem related to prostrate.
Pranayam is best for better health and mind.